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[1.3.2] Threshold Texture of SCP-1123's Containment Room Keeps Flickering

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:19 pm
by Lorie Biscuit
I'm talking about the texture of the threshold of the skull's large containment room with the SCP record posted next to it, not the threshold of the smaller cell in which the skull is stored.

It looks like this small rectangular zone of the floor flickers at all times.

I have saved next to it and exited the game to see if this could be linked to the overloading problem. But upon restarting SCP:CB and reloading my game, I observed the same glitch on this particular texture.

The console displayed no error message.

Game configuration: 1600x900, fullscreen, use launcher, difficulty: safe, map seed: xmpk4. No cheats.