[1.3.3] Several Bugs/Issues

Sorry for my ambiguous title, wasn't sure if putting "video bug report" might seem like an error with rendering or something.


I hope that it will be somewhat easier to display my report as a video. Because I am unsure of what extra detail is needed to be inferred from each report,
I will add to this description when needed.

[Computer Specification]
Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-Bit
Processor: AMD FX-8350
Graphics: AMD R9 390

Map Seed: va2yzvry

I could upload my save file if that would help, but it may be saved past certain of these events, and I think the map seed will likely suffice.

Bug 1
Occurred after heading to the electrical room and disabling the remote door control system. I am not sure if this would re-occur if I re-enabled it,
but that would be counter-intuitive in-game as you need to enter his room.
Bug 2
Only noticed it in this seed because I believe that the elevator room is larger than the tunnels themselves, so if the elevator is on the edge of the tunnels room code, you wouldn't see this.
Potential Issue 1
Reminds me of when SCP-106 used to pop out of the ceiling in the older versions. Wait, is this what's meant to happen? Anyway, the fact that he spins make me think that 106 is trying to spawn on or around a certain coordinate, and is rapidly spinning to try and reach it, occurred in one of the heavy containment hallways.
Bug 3
I thought that I wouldn't see this issue anymore, but alas, sometimes the forest has incomplete paths, these might be the dead end paths that don't generate correctly, as most of the time, going an alternate route means you can escape the forest.
Potential Issue 2
Rather than showing you 20 minutes of footage, (and I deleted the recording like an idiot) you will have to take my word that SCP-860-2 has a very weird spawn rate. And in hindsight, it would be unfair if the player couldn't escape SCP-860 within it spawning in around 1 minute of exploring, but the way to escape it seems a bit weird is all.

Re: [1.3.3] Several Bugs/Issues

Been there, had all of these.

I never met the creatures in the forest. Of course, I don't assume we are to meet them all the time, unless the idea is to make SCP-860 flat impassable. Also, I always traverse it with the stamina gas mask on. Then again, I must've gone through this forest a good dozen times.