Video game thread

Title speaks it. Talk about video games other than SCP: CB or SCP-087-B.

Yeah, lemme admit, I used to be addicted to Roblox and everyone hated me for it, but ever since I left my clan I have been playing it less. I play Skyrim now, among other games, like Oblivion, TF2 etc. (although I haven't even played TF2 since I redownloaded it though)
Last edited by SFK363 on Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Video game thread

­́̄̔͝ wrote:And the Ape Escape series.
Good times.

Also, a new demo video for Watch Dogs came out today, and it looks incredible. Not just the visuals, but the gameplay in this looks so interesting, not to mention fun.

It slep time bunner.