Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Nothing. Only a gust of wind and the empty hallway. Looking about, he knew the knock was his own imagination. Looking to the nearby window, he knew that it was time. Moonlight flooded through the window, and Gale began to wonder why. Only a minute ago, the sun was falling from the sky. Now, the sun had fallen, leaving the moon to replace it.

Gale walked back inside the room and stood in the middle, wondering as to what next. Then, it occurred that the doctor should have arrived. Whether he would arrive on time was not a priority to him. He decided to start waking up everyone. He started with Heathen, as well as the two others that he named floaters, then proceeded to Slade's room.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"Hmph. Maybe I should apologize to Steven. After all, the man is recovering from a terrible disease. For gods sake he's probably the best friend I have here."

Just then, Doctor Rosalene entered the room. She looked a bit nauseous, and Trex thought he knew why. She approached him slowly, as she was obviously weak.

"Oh, Arrianna, you don't look so good..."

"Y-yes. I think you know vhy."

Rosalene sat down next to him, and leaned over. She whispered something to him, and his suspicions were confirmed.

"And you are...sure about this...right?

She nodded.

Well, I guess we are ready anyway. Though we can't tell anyone. They are bound to tell the higher-ups, and then they will intervene. This is the sort of thing they investigate.

Have you been able to get back to The End?

Unfortunately not. I wish we could before this happens. I suppose we could still have it here. I'm a bit nervous, but I think that's to be expected. I mean, I'm going to be a...well, you know.

She nodded again.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Slade opened his eyes and saw before him multiple figures. His vison cleared up and he saw the details of the room he was in.

"I... was in a chopper, what the hell. Where is this?"

The figure infront of him approached slowly. He was dressed in jeans and a white long sleeved button up shirt. He looked more like someone on his way to church than a member of a terror organization. Though his face was scarred, and his black hair was a mess. He held a black stone foot in his hands. He spoke with an oddly soothing, warm voice.

"The foot of the Broken God, it allows for us to move rather... swiftly."

He smiled, and handed it over to one of the men next to him. Unlike him, they were in full tactical gear.

He extended his hand and one of the men placed the Holder in his hand. The same thing that had been tormenting Slade, though it had no effect on the man. He looked it, fondling the thing with his hands and his gaze, then turned to Slade and smiled.

"Suprised? Don't be, we are ... resistant to the effects of the pieces of the Broken God."

Slade tried to move, but saw he was restrained in a chair. He looked around. The room was sterile white, and was a basic 10 by 10 meter box. A containment cell, just for him.

"The irony is not lost on you I hope."

He smiled yet again.


Anna was frantic.

"I heard glass breaking and I came in here to see a chopper full of men in combat gear flying off. But before I could do anything they just vanished, out of thin air."

She thought for a moment.

"Cpt. Grevik has a tracker on him!"

She ran to a laptop and popped it open. She opened multiple programs and fiddled with it. She found a general location.

"Signals weak, but we can trace it to a country.... Syria."

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Ulrich was looking at mess, looking for the holder in every place, in every corner of the room but nothing was found. The holder was lost and so is Slade, Ulrich sat on a chair close to the broken window, he was so confuse, who is looking for the holders? it is not mere coincidence that slade got kidnapped with the holder in his hands. Eleanor got close to him

"What do you think?"

"I dont know... It can be anyone but i really doubt about it, they took away the holder... They were looking for it... but who could be? No one knows of the existence of the holders."

"If the foundation got to know the existence of this artifacts maybe others did it to"

"And those others could be... Enemies of the foundation... Infiltrations... thats it! Eleanor i need you to find who are these people, you know how to, I will go to finish what i started before, im running out of time."

"I will do my best... careful out there Mestiar

Mestiar smiled to Eleanor

"Of course"

Ulrich rushed to exit of the room, stopping close to Anna

"I need to finish something important, it has to be done before getting Slade, Eleanor will go with you, if something happens she knows how to locate me. Good luck"

He looked at Kelman

"You can come with me or stay with the group, your choise"

Ulrich leaved the room, running through the hallway of the building looking for an exit
Last edited by Mestiar on Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
How about a nice game of chess?


Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"If the Foundation does find out about you know if zey will take it away?"

"'s what they do."

"What are vee going to do?"

"Just try to keep it a secret. If they find out, hopefully we can persuade them otherwise."

"Oh god..."

She held her hand over her eyes and began to weep. Trex wrapped his arms around her. He held her close, for comfort.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Anna thought a moment.

"We need to finish up this D.C problem quick!"


As the man began to leave a soldier approached.

"Solomon. We may have found another peice."

"What is it?"

"A mirror."

He smiled and shot a glance at Slade.

"Well, lets go take back what's ours."

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

The helicopter ride was uncomfortable. The plane ride was uncomfortable. Stepping onto the soil of Syria was actually not that uncomfortable. The moon shined throughout the night sky, lighting up the stars. It looks so amazing out in the desert, it took his breathe away. A man in a suit and tie approached.

"Come. Your destination is 5 miles due north. Once we get there we can't guarantee your safety anymore. We have a vehicle prepped for getting to destination."

He and the man got into a black Suv and headed to the church.

"What's this all about? Why am I here? Do you know?", asked Baton.

"I have no information as to why you're here. We just take order and get paid. No questions asked. And this person paid a great amount to bring you here."

"I see. Thanks for the information prick.", he mumbled.

"Hey... aren't you the person who blew up one of the private Chaos Insurgency base?"

"And how did you know that?"

"Whispers in the wind I guess."

He couldn't bear the feeling of what happened that day. Ether's death. Isaac's sacrifice. If only he...

"We're 2 klicks away. Better get ready. I heard the town gets real mean and nasty at night."

The buildings looked empty and the roads looked nearly desolated. The aftermath of the chemical attack he guessed.

"This chemical attack... how do you feel about it?", asked Baton.

"We're here. Your contact is waiting inside the church. You'll find him on the floor below."

"But wait-"

The car stopped in front of the church and he was pushed out of the vehicle.

"And to answer your question, I don't give a rat's ass. Good luck out here.

The vehicle drove off and left Baton in front of the church.

"And the prick of the year goes to..."

He walked to the door of the church and opened it.
Call me Baton Guy.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"Orders for you doctor. Straight from O5."

Dr. Halek took the folder from the agent.

"Thanks Frank. Any hints this time?"

"No Hal, this one reeks of secrecy."

"It's the Foundation Frank. It's so full of secrets you could scoop em out with a ladle. "

"Heh, that's a good one. Now get the hell out of here you quasi agent. Choppers waiting."

"Where to? Oh wait, its classified right?" Dr. Halek smiled.

"Sharp as a butter knife Hal. Go now, before O5 gets pissy."

Dr. Halek waved and walked towards the helipad with the folder tucked under his arm. He clambered onto the chopper and sat down. It was only him and the pilot. He shrugged and they took off.

He opened the folder and saw the files of two Foundation members. Dr. Trex and Dr. Rosaline. They weren't human, they were a race called Enders. Orders were to observe them closely and report his findings. Apparently O5 found their behavor suspicious. That was his unofficial job, and one he had to keep a secret obviously. Officially he was there to study SCP-008, SCP-49, and a new uncategorized artifact.

He sighed. This was odd, even for him.

(Yes this a new character, ill post an app after someone posts in the ooc to avoid double posting)

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Dr. Trex held Arrianna for what felt like hours. He had begun to cry as well, but quickly recovered.

"We...we should just...get to work. We can't afford to raise any more suspicion. Remember to keep quiet."

Doctor Rosalene wiped the tears from her eyes and looked to Trex. She was so afraid, but she knew she couldn't just sit by herself and cry.

"A-are you sure? Ve should stay together and try to get back to The End!"

"We can't. That will surely raise questions if we fail. Alright, I'm going to go to my office and get some work done. If anyone asks you anything, just act natural."


He kissed her goodbye, then left for his office.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away