Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"Ah your boyfriend, is he... like you?"

She was very tense, he could tell that. She also seemed to be suspicious. He needed to stop asking questions and just act natural and friendly. Should'nt be too hard.


White walls. Nothing but a white cube. This was all Slade saw. He was being driven mad, but he could hold out, he knew Gale anf Anna wouldn't leave him for long.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"Y-yes. He is an Ender like me. We both vork here as researchers."

She looked down, thinking about the past.

"Heh, we vere both classified SCPs at one time. But now, the Foundation acts like we are normal human beings. But god how I vish we could go home...It's been so long. So long since I've seen my family. He's all I've got."

"For now..." She whispered to herself.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"Me? Fight against the Syrian Armed Force? Sorry, I'm not ready to die yet."

"I understand. Unfortunately,It's not your choice. If you don't help, I will throw you to the Chaos Insurgency."

"You wouldn't..."

"I would."

Baton growled at the cloaked figure.

"Who are you anyway?"

"Someone who wishes to keep you safe."

The figure unveiled itself as it took off it's cloak. It is a woman with a long black hair with blonde highlights. She is caucasian. Her eyes are blue like the ocean. There's a scar on her left cheek.

"My name is Julie Tennen. I am Issac Tennen sister, the one who sacrifice himself to save you.

"You're...his sister?"

"Yes. And I promised Isaac that I would keep you safe."

"Why are you trying to keep me safe?"

"Because you're one of the few people who can control the X.V serum. The serum that Dr. Ether used to power himself up unimaginably. Isaac did a bit of research on you. You DNA is able to communicate with the serum, just like Dr. Ether's. When he found out that you were captured by him he went to save you. Unfortunately... he died completing his mission. You already know how."

"So that serum... I'm one of the few people that is able to utilize it?"


"Sadly though... I wasn't able to use the serum for long. It quickly went away as soon as I killed Dr. Ether."

"The X.V serum can only be used when it's user is under extreme pressure, become extremely insane, when it's really needed, or when the user becomes angry."

"I see. So that's why you asked me to help fight against the Syrian Armed Force."


"Hmm...all right. I'll help. For your brother's sake."

"Thank you. Now, we need to discuss some things. Like the Syria government and the Syrian Armed force. And how we're going to fight them.
Last edited by ­́̄̔͝ on Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Call me Baton Guy.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Doctor Cantwell kicked his feet up onto his desk, glancing around in boredom. His eyes wandered back to the cylinder.

"I don't exactly have a place to put you, you know."

The cylinder hummed slightly, releasing pressurized air.

"Don't give me that, you know what happened last time."

It began vibrating lightly.

"Then I'll go looking for one! You can't expect to have all my bearings only five hours after landing," He reached to take another sip from his coffee, but was disappointed to find it empty. He threw the cup across the room, missing the trashcan entirely. His feet lowered off the desk and tapped against the floor wildly.

"Coffee... Need some more coffee..."

The cylinder buzzed loudly.

"Shut up, glacier face. I'm going to get more coffee and then we'll open you up!"

Cantwell stood from his chair, exiting the room and running down the hallway in search of the break room. Unfortunately, he had entirely forgotten the building layout. The first idea that came to mind was to shout wildly down the halls until he found a room that could possibly have breaks within it.

I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"So you'd go back, without any hesitation? Well, I suppose that's fair."

Halek heard someone yelling outside of the break room. He got up and looked out. He saw a doctor with a ketchup stain on his clothing.

"Hey, it's uh, in here."

He could already tell that this man was going to be a nuisance.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

He spun around to face where the voice came from. His head nodded quickly and he stepped inside.

"Ahh, they've repainted the walls... How ugly."

Cantwell adjusted his lab coat and went for the coffee machine, preparing himself a cup as quickly as the machine would allow. Soon enough, he held a cup full of the boiling liquid. A rather disorderly combination of sugars and creams were thrown into the steaming java. He stirred everything together with a sipping straw, watching with delight as the liquid changed from empty black to a rich light-brown. Without any hesitation, he gulped down a large amount of the coffee. A sigh of deep relief exited his mouth and he leaned against the counter in content.

"Six cups... Six cups is what it took to finally sate the need." He chuckles, shaking his head and taking another sip. "I'm not gonna sleep for a month..."

It was only until the seventh sip that he actually acknowledged the two others in the room.

"...Good Afternoon."

Cantwell couldn't exactly remember what time it was, nor could he read a clock all that well. His vision was a little blurred by the cocktail of drugs in his body. Green eyes flicked in-between the two, quirking a curious eyebrow. His vision, for only a moment, locked onto Rosalene. He chuckled softly.

"Another one... This is gonna be a good year, I can tell."
I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

She looked up to the man who entered the room. She did not know him either, but she could tell he was probably insane.

"Oh god, zis can't be good."

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Baal, looking directly at the eyes of Kelman, was furious for not getting any anwsers from him

"He is Docto..." Mestiar tried to respond, but immediately interrupted by Baal

"No! let him speak, im interested in knowing his thoughts" Baal said, looking deep at the eyes of Kelman again.


On the long trip of Eleanor, she found an small entrance of a temple in ruins, according to the coordinates she got from Anna, Slade should be close to this entrance. She opened the door very carefull, there was a dark hallway behind it, vaguely iluminated by some small torches, she got through, starting to walk for a long period of time. It looked infinite, after minutes and minutes of walking she was starting to get anxious, something was really wrong with the hallway. She then stopped for a couple of minutes to think, getting an idea of what could help. Looking in a bag she brough took out a broken hourglass, "The Holder of Darkness". Holding it with both hands, She closed her eyes for 10 seconds and then opened again.

"Strange, i will need a big explanation of this later..."

It worked! the holder revealed the true form of the path, there were 4 new hallways, 2 in both of the lateral walls. she put the holder in a pocket of his jacket, the tracker started beeping heavily, she looked at it, it says that Slade was right through the first hallway at the left.

"This can´t be this easy" she said to himself, a little bit scared

She walked through the hallway, getting closer to an bright white room
How about a nice game of chess?


Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"I'm... Dr. Kelman," he said, almost speechless. For one, there was this huge demon thing in front of him, and more importantly, Dr. Ulrich was Dr. Strange the whole time? In all the confusion, he didn't know what to say next.
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP