Re: A question I was unable to post at the moment:

ZombiiKush wrote:Hii, kinda brand new here, you can pretty much consider me an amateur (I have been reading up on these SCPs lately though, very very interesting). Anyways, I see that I cannot create my own *post* yet which is a huge bummer, but that is okay. I searched under the forums and discussions here and have not found anything that has an answer to my question,and because I cannot *post* it, well I guess I will ask it here (quote me if I am wrong about the facts in my question please).
You need to make three posts in order to create a new thread, that's a anti-spam measure.
Do you think NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sound of space battles?

Re: Random Off-Topic discussion

ZombiiKush wrote:With Red Ice (009) being a very dangerous and quick killing substance with no known cure according to the Foundation (given its properties and effects of crystallization and all), wouldn't Panacea (500) be both a reliable and an appropriate medicine used to clean out the Red Ice from the body's system since its been shown to destroy all diseases? And if not Panacea, then what about the Lovecraftian Locket (427), stating that "it rapidly regenerates cellular damage and somehow is able to purge invading compounds or infections".
SCP-500 only works in regards to disease. SCP-009 is not an infection; it is an inorganic invasive substance that affects any living tissue. It would be like taking antibiotics to cure frostbite (Which is quite an apt metaphor, considering the objects involved). One would arguably have better luck with SCP-427, but the rapid crystallization replacing destroyed tissue as well as the little 'Flesh Beast' obstacle would mean using the locket would likely cause more problems than it solves.

Re: Random Off-Topic discussion

Tomgrakk wrote:
ZombiiKush wrote:With Red Ice (009) being a very dangerous and quick killing substance with no known cure according to the Foundation (given its properties and effects of crystallization and all), wouldn't Panacea (500) be both a reliable and an appropriate medicine used to clean out the Red Ice from the body's system since its been shown to destroy all diseases? And if not Panacea, then what about the Lovecraftian Locket (427), stating that "it rapidly regenerates cellular damage and somehow is able to purge invading compounds or infections".
SCP-500 only works in regards to disease. SCP-009 is not an infection; it is an inorganic invasive substance that affects any living tissue. It would be like taking antibiotics to cure frostbite (Which is quite an apt metaphor, considering the objects involved). One would arguably have better luck with SCP-427, but the rapid crystallization replacing destroyed tissue as well as the little 'Flesh Beast' obstacle would mean using the locket would likely cause more problems than it solves.
SCP-500 manages to cure crystallization caused by SCP-409, so I guess it could help against SCP-009.

Re: Random Off-Topic discussion

You make a good point, though we can't be sure since the nature of SCP-409's contagion is unclear while SCP-009's document goes into detail about how it affects people; all moisture in the subject's body is frozen - converted into the same substance. SCP-409 appears to have more in common with a disease (specifically an extremely virulent skin infection), so SCP-500 curing it makes sense. SCP-009 is more like a chemical reaction to heat, just an anomalous one.

Of course I could be wrong, but this is how SCPs thrive; by making people debate and question them.

Re: Random Off-Topic discussion

UnknownGlaze wrote:Yeah, anyone else had a bad dream recentleh?
I had this dream where I was watching myself sleep, and then a window behind me broke as a lady was standing outside screaming about her rake so I decided to run into the bathroom but instead of there being a mirror above the sink there was a small wooden door so I opened it and a teddy bear came out and started tap dancing so I threw a quarter at him and then dove into the drain of my bathtub and watched as a little boy started eating his hand off. The little boy then grabbed the ceiling and flew away as I ran away from a teddy bear (it looked like one of those cheesy first-person movies where a guy runs down a dark hallway with a camera screaming as a serial killer chases him).

The teddy bear then turned into me and choked me with a shopping bag.

I think this dream tells me something....
The preparation for a dive is always a tense time