An Attempt To Talk With People.

This might as well be regarded as a useless post and not exist, but this is here to talk to people about experiences that may or may not happen in their life.
So why don't we all sit down, have a cup of coffee or tea and talk about the moments in SCP:CB where you lets say get really mad.

As people who know me well enough (Which is about 5 people.), I've never played SCP:CB, about lets say the beginning and I was done.
Which questions why I'm even in this forum in the first place but I want to be here because I want to.
And because it's fun to watch people complain on how... how should I put this... Strange, I am.

So sit down, drink coffee or tea
, and talk about something that made you get a bad temper.
I know I had a moment when the game bugged and the MTF wouldn't move out the bloody way that's for sure.

If someone asks me to play the game for myself or question the things I love most you will be hit with a Wet Trout and fed to owl.

Re: An Attempt To Talk With People.

Ramnesia wrote:I've never played SCP:CB
Welcome to the club, haven't played CB outside of testing in well over a year. Came because I thought the game showed potential, stayed because the members both active, and previously active in development are cool people.
So sit down, drink coffee or tea Image, and talk about something that made you get a bad temper.
If people haven't noticed by now, I get pretty salty when people say or do stupid shit.
M-x dingus-mode

Re: An Attempt To Talk With People.

If people haven't noticed by now, I get pretty salty when people say or do stupid shit.
Then we have something in common, I myself absolutely despise those who can't comprehend basics to anything.
I also absolutely hate arguments as they tend to end up with one giving up instead of actually bringing up anything to end the argument in their favour and it ends up being a pissing match between two people on who can shoot off their urine the furthest.

Great to actually get a reply here.

Re: An Attempt To Talk With People.

Ramnesia wrote:I also absolutely hate arguments as they tend to end up with one giving up instead of actually bringing up anything to end the argument in their favour and it ends up being a pissing match between two people on who can shoot off their urine the furthest.
Totally agreed. Either you make the person succumb to your favor (unlikely) or decides to continue being against you or develop a grudge (much more likely).

Anyway. I've never been truly angry with the game so far; I'm just annoyed whenever it puts me in a terrifying position (like in the Box of Horrors mod where I get out of the pocket dimension since 106 sent me, where I then encounter 049-2 from the Medibay and then see 173 next to me and damn). As for playing fair games of SCP:CB, well; I have played it for some time and got through the good Gate A ending once, but that's mostly it. Usually I just cruise around on noclip and godmode there; I rarely do an actual fair play. And to be honest if it wasn't for Markiplier I wouldn't even bother starting the game at all XD Man, his videos saved me from being terrified of the closet room XD

So yeah, that's it. And no, I've never played SCP:CB on full volume with headset on.
SCP: Eric Breach nanomod maker (if anyone wants to revamp it be my guest, as it is now defunct)
Fan of Doctor Who, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Sleepy Hollow, Person of Interest, Happy (2017) and Silicon Valley. And also MCU films.