Re: A Not-so-Formal Goodbye

The forum HAS lost a good ammount of good users, lately, indeed.

It's all because of that damned, bad attitude some people get towards other users, the community can't seem to be friendly to each other because they always seem to have a "list of people they hate/don't like".

And i know you're talking about me when you mentioned ban-threads. I did the SFK-explanation thread for one single reason, which was to clear things up, i had some users PMing me or asking me why SFK had been banned, mostly people that didn't know his previous ban-tier states, and i choseto make a thread instead of keeping answering every single user.

I'm always around, maybe not always logged in, but let me tell you, when stuff goes bad i AM there, i've done my duties and i can prove it.

Let's not forget that the goal is the game. Everyone should quit having those bad attitudes towards each other for no reason and just avoid causing bad vibes in general.

It is sad to see you leave, Insanity, i wish it didn't have to be this way, goodbye, man.

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: A Not-so-Formal Goodbye

Unfortunately you do list some legitimate points, I would argue the bug report section is not as bad as you make it out to be and the community is something almost no one can control. The old saying goes, all things must come to an end, though I don't think it is time of SCP:CB to disappear quite yet, there are some things on the forums that are lacking.

Also on the issue of moderators, most of the moderation, from my experience, is done behind the scenes and not in public. If I were to start a thread for every time a user was banned or suspended I would have to create an entire new sub forum to house them. Also I don't see the problem with verbally warning users in a thread, though mind you if a user is warned they are always sent a PM.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.

Re: A Not-so-Formal Goodbye

Very valid post, but you have to remember, that this is the Internet. People are real assholes, and this forum has a very little amount of them compared to some forums. I can name a few forums that are just draining to read responses, and you know every post you make will generate so much hatred. Go and speak with people you know, they are better than us, dude. I would give you a handshake if you weren't pixels.
Let me hold your face under the putrecent waters of knowledge.

Re: A Not-so-Formal Goodbye

You bring up some valid points, but I still feel I want to explain a good reason why we warn users on the thread.

I have had some times where i sent a PM to a user, or users, that I warned and still a few days after that even when I see they were online on the forum for long periods of time, nothing had happened with the PM.
It was still sitting in my outbox because the reciever never read it.
Thats why it's sometimes and sadly a lot of times needed to post it on the thread when you warn them, because you know they go on that thread while they are online and that they will see it there.

It's sad to see you go, you were a good forumer and I hope you will come and say hi now and then, maybe just in PM instead of on the threads, your choice though.
What fun is there in making sense?
Now, if you will excuse me i have some chaos to wreak.
Resident forum robot monkey, and chaos incarnate.

Re: A Not-so-Formal Goodbye

If this thread has taught me anything, it's that next time I'm gonna leave, I'm not going to announce it, I'll just disappear.
Let me hold your face under the putrecent waters of knowledge.

Re: A Not-so-Formal Goodbye

I don't have time for a detailed post, so I'm just going to address this.
Insanity's Bane wrote: didn't pin their attitude on not taking their anti-depressants, *maybe* you wouldn't be a condensing bitter asshat, and you would accept other opinions.
I can tell this is directed at me and my attitude in the MLP mod Skype group, admittedly it was unacceptable, truth is it was because I hated you people, you yourself are a general asshole, and you and like 5 other people collaborated to make the laziest piece of crap storyline you could possibly make, and when criticise it, the chat always devolved into a damn flame war.

While I agree with the majority of the post, I disagree with the public moderating for the same reasons previously stated. And I don't see how the MLP thread was made based around conflicting opinions.

So bye Insanity, all your profile pictures make my physically ill. I am not exaggerating at all.
I'm not here as much right now, mention me on our Discord server if you need anything.

Re: A Not-so-Formal Goodbye

Good points... I guess. Because be honest, when a mod on the Wikia says "You have your head up your ass." or a user says "WANKER." they don't deserve to get banned, right? :roll: Or at the very least a warning. :?
Hello, I am [[REDACTED]], [[REDACTED]]. I have been a fan of SCP for [[REDACTED]] [[REDACTED]]. I am also on the SCP:CB Wiki, and thats it so... [[REDACTED]] off much?

Re: A Not-so-Formal Goodbye

There were some good people here when I first came onto the forums that was on Invisionfree, one of the good members was Raphael and what happened to the other users I used to frequently talk with on the IRC? I will never know.
Mandatory blank signature, here.