Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Sorry for the delay, not very much time on my hands!

Not very long afterwards, Gale, Heathen, Anna, and the two extras were sitting in the helicopter. Gale thought Anna looked pale, and frankly he felt he'd puke himself. The very idea that Slade had left, whether it be to abandon or captured...

Gale glanced out and, even with the screech of the rotor blade, he could make out the shrieks of a riot. Looking out, it looked like all of D.C. had gathered. Promptly, the heli approached the monolith fortress that was headquarters and landed on the top. Gale slipped a riot helmet on and exited out with everyone. What he saw before him was A/C units and, just ahead, a gap that was a courtyard. For what reason it was for, Gale wasn't sure.

The heli was gone, and the riot was in full swing. He turned back and said sternly, 'Remember, suppressors. Agents inside will know we're fake,' he turned now to Anna and gave a tired, but encouraged smile, 'There should be an archives like the one at Site 17, but much more secure and vast. Please, lead the way, ma'am.'
Last edited by Ltn Vasquez on Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Dr. Kelman just stood there, not knowing what to say. After a while, he spoke.

"What the hell was that? And what did he... or it or whatever mean about 'the cure?' A cure for what?" He had so many questions... some of them he probably didn't want to hear the answer to, so he stopped asking before going too far.
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"So it going to be just us two that fighting the government and the army?"

"Not exactly. You see, there's someone else that protecting the government. And he has the X.V serum in him as well. His name is Raivex or better known as "The Deadly Virdo." He's like the bodyguard of the government."

"They expect a single person to protect them? What's the point of their army then?!"

"The Syrian Armed Force is too busy fighting the Free Syrian army and will soon be dealing with UEF. When the government realized they were vulnerable they called for help. That's where Raivex came in."

"Is Raivex part of the Chaos Insurgency?"

"Yes. Like I said, the Chaos Insurgency is after your ass and Raivex is determined to be the first one to capture you.

"I see."

His stomach starts to rumble.

"Hehe. I guess I'm starting to get hungry."

"Ah yes, I'm hungry as well. I'm going to head out to grab some food. Do you want to come along?

"What if Raivex finds me?"

"He won't. He's far far away. We are safe here in this city. The government doesn't bother to check here anymore. Now come on.

They left the basement and headed out of the church. The sky was still dark but he could it was almost going to be morning soon.

"I know a place where they make delicious food. Follow me."

"But the city is barren and deserted."

"We basically live underground. That's why the government doesn't check this city.

"I see."

He proceeded to follow Julie. There was something odd about the name Raivex. Like he heard that name before.


Two cloaked figure stood on top of a building beside the government building. One is slightly tall and muscular and the other one has an average build.

"Did you find anything at the abandoned city? asked the tall figure.

"Saw a couple of vehicles enter the city. Not entirely sure but I think I saw the silvered hair man we've been looking for. He went inside the church where that woman resides." said the other figure.

"I see. Then he finally arrived. Soon, we'll capture both that man and the woman and we'll be rewarded beyond our belief. We must get there quickly. Let's go Canxen."

"Yes sir."

They disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"I'm coming for you Baton. Get ready."
Call me Baton Guy.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Hoffen calmly walked into the site after being gone for several weeks. He strolled through the corridors of the facility towards his office. Although the motive of him leaving was for working reasons, that didn't mean he could waste any time. The site was still running during his time out, which meant that he had a lot of patients, or corpses, to work with. His office would probably have a pile of folders with the cases he had to complete. Whenever he was out, the case will be left at his office desk until he arrived, per his request. There were other doctors in the facility, actual doctors not researchers, but that wasn't an excuse to shove his work to others. The cases would most likely be composed mostly of autopsies, since he wouldn't have been able to take care of the patients during his leave. Although he wouldn't be surprised if there was a long term case that could be left for later, thus been sent to him.

As he walked, he mentally planned what he was going to do the rest of the day, and the remaining of the week as well. He passed the break room but gave no noticed to it. However, he noticed a new office not far away. Well, new wouldn't be the correct term, since it has been there for as long as the site itself. What was new though, was the doctor whose name was engraved in the door. Dr. Cantwell. He had obviously come to the site during his absence, but he couldn't recall the name. He stopped in front of the office and took a look inside. He spotted Dr. Trex ((a.k.a. The Kraken (I TOLD you I would do it) )) as well as Halek, who he hand't had much interaction with, and another person. This person was obviously Dr. Cantwell.

Although Hoffen wasn't the type to lose time with introductions, he might as well state his return so that more cases could be redirected to him. "Dr. Trex, I have returned from my short leave. Please inform the rest of the researches that I am now available for medical work, and that they may redirect any cases they have to me." He said, his strong voice not allowing his mask to muffle his words.
-Resident Bacon Fanatic-

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"An Acient Specie, They formed and shaped the earth since his beginning, living beings of all the vastest of the universe. Baal was one of the "god slayer"... But i don´t know what does he mean with being the cure"

Strange looked at the pit, then he returned his view to Kelman

"The image and power of human´s religion come from this guys... We have to get back to the facility"

From the bottom wall of the room, a segment of it started to vibrate, revealing a secret path behind it, there was a bright light in it, comming from it Strange could hear a female voice, then the figure of this woman appeared from the light, it was Eleanor, really confused of finding Strange and Kelman and not Slade

"What? What are you doing here this is territory of The Church of the Broken God?!"

"Church of the broken go... Now this makes sence,The Holders are several pieces of something big, if all the holders get together something horrible will happen, and the Church think that they will assemble their god..."

An alarm shouted up, blocking every entrance of the room, just the path of the light was open,

"This guys can´t be serious..."

Strange got closer to one of the computers of the room, getting a device that was fully working, it was an hexagon talisman, with a round touch screen on the center of it.

"Dont worry, i thought of a quick exit before getting on this room"
How about a nice game of chess?


Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Cantwell glanced at Hoffen briefly, then back to Halek.

"Just... Take the little guy to the break room or something. He'll wake up eventually, the coffee scent might help."

He placed the small, sleeping bird into Halek's hands and patted his shoulder before returning behind the desk and sitting down. His fingers tapped the desk lightly, examining the rest of the staff in the room. The permeating silence was almost too much for him to bear, so he coughed.


His eyes rolled and he opened a desk drawer, removing several files and flipping through all of them.

"For those of you who haven't received the memo, we have three new Anomalous Objects coming in tomorrow for classification. On top of that, Halek, I believe you mentioned another object that you will be studying today. I am to accompany the observations, by order of our oh-so mysterious benefactors. Okay? Okay."
I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

They walked through the deserted city until Julie stopped at a small building.

"All right. We're here...sorta."

She walked toward the door and knocked. Couple of seconds later a voice was heard.



"Nice to see you again Julie."

The door opened, revealing a Syrian man in tattered clothing.

"I brought a guest with me. Inform Fraho while we're on our way down so there's no confusion."

"Got it." said the Syrian man.

"Come on Baton. Food's waiting."

They walked toward a opened door that has a ladder going down to a dark pit.

"Err...I'm guessing this is the way to the underground?" said Baton.

"Yep. We just gotta climb down this ladder and we'll be there."

They started to climb down the ladder.


"I guess we were too late. They don't seem to be here anymore."

"They must have gone somewhere else. Canxen, time for you to hunt down their scent.

"Right away sir."

He sniffed the air and around the church. He started heading toward the church doors.

"They left the church awhile ago. Their scent is mildly strong. They didn't go too far.

"Follow the scent. I want to get to them quickly so they don't escape my grasp.

"Sir,if we do catch up to them, what would happen if that silvered haired man's serum is activated? Wouldn't that be bad?

"Even though the serum in him is unique compared to the other serums in the all of us, he doesn't properly know how to use it. He'll be squashed in an instance if we battled. We have to capture him before he learns how to properly use it's power. Now let's go.

"Yes sir."

They walked out of the church and follow the scent of Baton and Julie. The hunt continues...
Call me Baton Guy.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

An alarm sounded, cutting off Dr. Strange in the middle of his sentence. Every door closed. No exit.

"The fuck?!" said Kelman.

"These guys can't be serious..." said Dr. Strange.

"All the exits are locked! There's no way out!"

"Don't worry, I thought of a quick exit before getting in this room." Dr. Strange took some kind of device from one of the computers.

"How will that help? What's it supposed to do?" said Dr. Kelman, though he knew he would find out the answer to his question once the device turned on.
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

After climbing down the ladder, the two came across a giant door. Julie went up to it and knock.

"Come in, you two."

The giant door opened slowly, revealing a room filled with Syrian people, a giant table, and a seat that's fit for a king. It looked like a throne room. A man stood up from the king chair and pointed at them.

"You two. Come forward."

The two walked towards the man. Julie knelt down, nudging Baton to do the same. Baton knelt down on his knees as well.

"It's nice to see you again Julie. Why have come here this time?"

"As usual, We need something to eat. I've already depleted my rations for the week."

The man stared intently at Baton.

"Who is this man you brought with you."

"This is Baton. He's the man I was telling you about that can greatly help us fight against government."

"Ah. So you're Baton. My name is Fraho. I'm the leader of the people who reside in this abandoned city."

"Nice to meet you sir."

Fraho snapped his finger at a person.

"You! Bring out some food for the guests. And you Julie, come with me. We need to discuss something. Baton, feel free to look around while the food's being prepped."

Julie and Fraho went into a different room. Baton walk around, watching people do their stuff. Something feels wrong. He didn't know what, but something felt wrong. Very wrong.


"Why did you bring him here?! Don't you realize that they could find us here?! They'll kill us all!!!

"Well where was I suppose to take him huh?! I couldn't leave him out there to be captured. Plus we need your help. You can't possibly think that just us two are going to able to fight them."

"What makes you think we can help?! We're only humans! We'll end up dead if we help you two!"

"What happened to you? You used to give up everything if I was in trouble. Now I'm asking you to help us one last time and you're refusing to do so.

"Be lucky I'm giving you two food. I could've had you two thrown out of here the second you walked in here."

"Why are you doing this? I'm only asking you one last favor, but you're not listening to me."


"That's the same thing you said to my mom before she was taken away."

Silence filled the room.

"You're not throwing away their lives. We all want the same thing. To be free. All I'm asking you to do is to help us. Inform the neighboring and have them aid us. To fight against the government. But you're to afraid to do so. You're so caught up in protecting your people that you never considered if they wanted to fight. You can't just babysit them and hold their hands. You need to let them decide what they want to do.Give them a choice. To either hide or fight. Let the one's who want to fight come with us. That's all I'm asking of you. To give your people a choice. I'm done here."

Silence filled the room again.

"Food should be ready soon."

Julie stood up started to leave but stopped, turned around, and looked backed.

"Please do the right thing. I'm begging you."

She left the room.The food was already set-up at the table. She sat down beside Baton, who looked very hungry.

"You remind me so much of my brother. No wonder I'm risking so much to keep you protected."

Fraho entered the room and sat on the kings chair.

"Let...Let us feast."

Baton and Julie began to eat.
Call me Baton Guy.