Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotton pigzombies, but was attacked, my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotton pigzombies, but was attacked, my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat

(Please, keep the story firm, like, my penis shot rainbows to save the bacon, or the Wabajack.)

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotton pigzombies, but was attacked, my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotton pigzombies, but was attacked, my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotton pigzombies, but was attacked, my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotton pigzombies, but was attacked, my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat