Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: Steam Girlfriend. Upon exiting the Output booth, subject expressed need to remove top and did so. Upon removal, all staff (of all genders) were temporarily blinded by the sight of [DATA EXPUNGED] and claimed body had become heavenly. Major interest in [REDACTED] was expressed by all staff present.

OK, we've all had our fun, back to work now... - O5-██

Input: Pyrovision Goggles.

Setting: 1:1
The Nightmares...will last...FOREVEEEEERRRRR!
In the event that Nightmare Tank tries to take charge, Dr. Glitch is to warn it, until it ceases its behaviour.

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: Read breach log 914-3A.

Breach log 914-3A:
Seven head lice were put into the intske booth of 914. 914 was set to Very Fine. Upon opening, the output booth released a swarm of [DATA EXPUNGED], which proceeded to attack all personnel in the room.

Casualties: [REDACTED]

Cause of death (Applies to all): Decapitation. No sign of the corpses' heads, which are assumed to have been [REDACTED] by 914's output.
Input: The two censorship methods used in SCP documents: [REDACTED] and [DATA EXPUNGED], Very Fine
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: A supercomputer with similar properties as SCP-079. Item designated SCP-079-1.


Input: itsanotsopainfulworld, setting Rough. :173:

Through observation of world events, and enduring life, one cannot deny the existence of the greed, intolerance, hate and immorals of past generations that corrupts the minds of future generations.