The SCP-914 Forum game

Thought I'd bring this back, here is the copy from Raphaels post on the previous forum with a little edit.

Here's a popular forum game with an SCP twist.

First person states an item they're putting in to 914 and the setting they're putting it in on. The next poster states what comes out, and then adds their own item/setting. Example:

Person A says "Chocolate Chip Cookie on 1:1!"
Person B says "You get a sugar cookie! I put in a pencil on coarse."

And so on. If you want examples, view this page: SCP-914 Experiment Log.

I'll start us off:

I put in a Heavy metal CD with the label "Slayer" on it.
On Rough.
Last edited by WhiteAce on Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mandatory blank signature, here.

Re: The SCP-914 Forum game

Input: "I put in a Heavy metal CD with the label "Slayer" on it."

Setting not specified. Changing automatically to very fine

Result: A full collection of Metallica, Iron maiden, Ramshtein and Slayer albums with a mix of other popular and obscure metal artists printed on a single CD.

After some experiments it is noticed that effects of SCP-1987-J are noted after two minutes of listening. Noted peaks of adrenalin and anger spikes after 10 minutes of listening. After 20 minutes of listening it is noted a rapid development muscle tissue in male subjects and an expansion of [REDACTED] in female subjects. After 60 or more minutes there is a large risk of [REDACTED], political anarchy and [DATE EXPUNGED] ending in a ZX-end-of-the-world scenario

Surviving subjects have been noted to have developed an anarchistic political view a raspy voice found in lead singers of such bands and a good knowledge of Russian, German and English if it was not known before, all speaking with a mix of a german and russian accents

"I am going to play this all night. Wait? I had to do it on rough?!" ~ Dr. Hat

Result: A pile of plastic dust.

"See, you ruined it!" ~ Dr.Hat

Input: 1x Female bra
Men are better at breaking bones, women are better at breaking hearts

Re: The SCP-914 Forum game

Input: 1x Female Bra

Setting: Not specified. Changing automatically to rough.

Result: (and I'm not very creative haha) Patchwork cut-outs sewn together in random places to make a random shape that looks like it was made by a five-year-old.

Input: 1x green laser pointer with 2x semi-fresh AAA batteries inserted. Setting either on Course or Rough.

Re: The SCP-914 Forum game

Leviair wrote:
Cosmica wrote: Input: 1x green laser pointer with 2x semi-fresh AAA batteries inserted. Setting either on Course or Rough.
Output-LAZER RAVE EXPLOSIANZ!!11! (Good Job! Your now blind)

Input: MTF Solider on very fine

A robotic organism, programmed to protect site 19, no power source.

While it is benificial, wasnt there are restriction on biological organisms? -Dr. Gears

Input: A copy of "The Hidden: Source" on very fine.
"now that the victim is in place, the killing bite will be administered in 10 seconds." --Valve.

Beware the man that speaks in hands.

☜☝☞☟ ✌

Re: The SCP-914 Forum game

Combine wrote:Input: A copy of "The Hidden: Source" on very fine.
A single disk containing every valve game and source mod ever created, with highly updated graphics and a software engine that exceeds any currently known. Every game runs smoothly on any computer, regardless of how outdated its hardware may be.

Input: A can of Monster energy drink on Very Fine.