Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: Ground Beef.

Wait, how the hell did we get a cow from bacon in the first place? Pretty sure that comes from Pigs...

Intake: Five (5) SCP-049-2 instances.

Setting: 1:1
The Nightmares...will last...FOREVEEEEERRRRR!
In the event that Nightmare Tank tries to take charge, Dr. Glitch is to warn it, until it ceases its behaviour.

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: 1 Warfstache, a piece of paper turned into origami with red Ms on each face, Glasses that become Sunglasses when exposed to UV lighting, and a heavily tolerable sense of humour. Subject will understand and react positively to everything presented.

Intake: Essence of SCP-999.

Setting: Fine.
The Nightmares...will last...FOREVEEEEERRRRR!
In the event that Nightmare Tank tries to take charge, Dr. Glitch is to warn it, until it ceases its behaviour.

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: The Weeping Angels

That just ain't right..... ~SCP-2008-6-J

Input: SCP-2008-1-J, Setting Fine
Through observation of world events, and enduring life, one cannot deny the existence of the greed, intolerance, hate and immorals of past generations that corrupts the minds of future generations.