Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: Various crossbeams, wires, and animatronic devices.

"Well, I see my requests to sell the device to the local Pizzeria were denied, even though the investment could land us good money." - Dr. Imperfect

Intake: SCP-058
Setting: Rough

"058 has been acting up recently, being even more aggressive than usual. All other neutralization attempts have failed. Let's hope this works." Dr. Imperfect

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Theimperfectbeing wrote:Output: Various crossbeams, wires, and animatronic devices.

"Well, I see my requests to sell the device to the local Pizzeria were denied, even though the investment could land us good money." - Dr. Imperfect

Intake: SCP-058
Setting: Rough

"058 has been acting up recently, being even more aggressive than usual. All other neutralization attempts have failed. Let's hope this works." Dr. Imperfect
Output: A 4 Legged spider-like creature was found in the booth in 914. Still alive, SCP-058 (Now classified as SCP-058-1) killed 5 research personnel, including Dr. Imperfect.

Dr. Imperfect is down. It's a good thing I created the "Exmortifier". He should be alive, if not pale, in no time. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics.

Input: SCP-035, with SCP-714
Setting: Very Fine

Put the ring on, threw the mask in 914, threw the ring in, clicked the key on very fine, lets see what the hell happens. ~Dr. Sabrina Syphentotics

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: A green comedy mask constructed from a stone similar to jade. Produces an extremely strong telekill field when worn. While seemingly useful at first, the telekill agent was intensely powerful to the point where wearers would respond to no external stimuli. The mask could not be removed.

"We're still researching how to remove the mask. Count me out, as I need to request never being involved in a 914 experiment again." - Dr. Imperfect, still pale.

Intake: The current wearer of the Jade Mask
Setting: 1:1

"I'm afraid this is our only chance of removing it from that poor bastard's face without killing him. Also, why were my requests denied?" - Dr. Imperfect, only kind of pale.

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Theimperfectbeing wrote:Output: A green comedy mask constructed from a stone similar to jade. Produces an extremely strong telekill field when worn. While seemingly useful at first, the telekill agent was intensely powerful to the point where wearers would respond to no external stimuli. The mask could not be removed.

"We're still researching how to remove the mask. Count me out, as I need to request never being involved in a 914 experiment again." - Dr. Imperfect, still pale.

Intake: The current wearer of the Jade Mask
Setting: 1:1

"I'm afraid this is our only chance of removing it from that poor bastard's face without killing him. Also, why were my requests denied?" - Dr. Imperfect, only kind of pale.
Output: SCP-035 (Now refered as SCP-035-1), removed from the wearers face on the ground, and the test subject was green all over.

Well now. You don't see that everyday. Well, not here at least. ~Dr. Sabrina Syphentotics
Damn it Sabrina, I told you not to screw around with 914! Now we lost SCP-035, and SCP-714! Anyways, Dr. imperfect, you still look pale. Come by my office, I got some pills that can help. I am a level 4 Medical officer, you know. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics

Intake: Mobile Task Force: Nine Tailed Fox 10.
Setting: Fine

If we can create a Super soldier, we can stop all problems that happen here. At least, some of them.... ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics

OFFTOPIC: You know, we are the only two doing this XD
OFFTOPIC 2: I feel these comments are becoming Roleplay....

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: An android resembling a Nine-Tailed Fox unit. A.I. was automated, and preformed all necessary tasks done by MTF-NTF.

"I'd say the test was a success, too bad he lost almost all traces of humanity though." - Dr. Imperfect, no longer pale thanks to those pills.

Intake: One "Whopper" Hamburger, purchased from Burger King.
Setting: Very Fine

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Theimperfectbeing wrote:Output: An android resembling a Nine-Tailed Fox unit. A.I. was automated, and preformed all necessary tasks done by MTF-NTF.

"I'd say the test was a success, too bad he lost almost all traces of humanity though." - Dr. Imperfect, no longer pale thanks to those pills.

Intake: One "Whopper" Hamburger, purchased from Burger King.
Setting: Very Fine

Output: :EXPUNGED:

Connor let me be here, this time. I don't know what the hell came out of 914... But I strongly request that I never eat Burger King again... ~Dr. Sabrina Syphentotics.

Good Lord, Dr. Imperfect, what the hell were you thinking? Now we got a moldy random monster burger about.... AND BY ALL GOD, DO NOT EAT CRUMBS LEFT ABOUT. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics.

Intake: Dr. Bright's "New" Laptop
Setting: Very Fine

Knowing Dr. Bright, and that purple liquid coming out of that disk tray, I have to know the output. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics.

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: A strongly damaged anomalous PC. :REDACTED: 311 personnel :REDACTED: oh god help us :EXPUNGED: jesus christ :EXPUNGED: what the :REDACTED: somebody do something


Input: Last output. (Whatever the Hell that was.)
Setting: Rough

"END IT. END IT NOW." - Dr. Imperfect