Re: Random Off-Topic discussion

yonzo_rikuo wrote:i have saw alot of weird gore shit like a video about a children getting tortured, mass murdering picture and ISIS videos in 4chan. i know how dead people looks like. ask me, i have seen everything
im going to demand you, your edge cut my laptop's screen in half man
WOOMY! *squid glibberish*
my water changed to this form by boiling, extensively used for the generation of mechanical power, for heating purposes, etc.

Re: Random Off-Topic discussion

Regalis wrote:I don't think these or these are that bad, with a little tweaking I see no reason why they couldn't be used somewhere. Maybe it'd help Airplane to get over his obsession to get his stuff added to the game (or just encourage him more)... :laugh:
He did the D-Class textures alright, maybe they can be used if there's a dead D-Class elsewhere, because the D-classes in the beginning died from neck-snapping, which doesn't cause you to bleed externally. A few little tweaks (a little more transparency on the blood) and they seem like they'd be used. As for the Janitor, not sure what SCP or hazard would gouge his face off like that, but the lack of blood on his shirt, and the logic Airplane used, made me cringe when I read it (Let's not talk about that too much anymore). At least you didn't consider the saturated PD Plane, since he was insulting your design choice but let's not drag that on either.
My view is that the D-class texture showed a little bit of promise, but too bad he didn't hold up.. :/

Re: Random Off-Topic discussion

Regalis wrote:
KirbyMario12345 wrote:I hope that's not true. I know Regalis is super nice and adds great stuff to the game, but surely he couldn't have thought that Airplane's stuff was good enough? Anyway, even with the nicest developers, not everything that is considered, actually gets added into a game.
hug0905 wrote:I swore Regalis was serious on the Subsurface server when he actually said that Airplane's stuff would be added.
I don't think these or these are that bad, with a little tweaking I see no reason why they couldn't be used somewhere. Maybe it'd help Airplane to get over his obsession to get his stuff added to the game (or just encourage him more)... :laugh:
Just because.
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