this forum is dying...slowly

many people has leaved like serimah,sk15, and more ( i just remembered the profile pic)

and less people is joining. since scp has stop updating and there are not so many new mods. did you still remembered the golden age of this forum? and now there are less active user. the most common user is syphentv,me,cridone,juanjpro and childmuncher.


well i guess this forum may declared as dead in 9 months later

Furries and FnaF fan must be terminated to avoid incident-[REDACTED]
- DR.Yonzo

Re: this forum is dying...slowly

I don't think the forum is dieing, it may be slow, but it was always pretty slow with some days in between where users would post more frequently.

And Regalis hasn't really made any large announcements, he announced his company a couple months ago and then only a couple days ago showed some teaser pics for the next update on the Undertow Games website. So there's not much to talk about. As for me, I will probably always be here, because it can be fun sometimes.
The preparation for a dive is always a tense time

Re: this forum is dying...slowly

As what Maria (D-9999) stated, many people have lives, you cannot always expect anyone to be here all day or all night. And the game has not stopped updating, in fact, Regalis already has confirmed 1.1.0 sometime later.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: this forum is dying...slowly

It isn't really dying, the forums are just entering a slow phase, there will eventually be people popping up now and then, a lot of forums I have visited are like this, although there may be users frequently on there, there aren't many people posting.
Mandatory blank signature, here.

Re: this forum is dying...slowly

Well I've been busy with College, and that mixed with a lot of events happening in the family meant that I have had almost no free time for quite a while now. I haven't been able to play SCP CB for half a year or more purely because of a lack of free time and other things taking responsibility.
Local Forum Amateur and Galactic God Entity: Current mistakes:3
"If you collect them, something good might happen!" - About half of the Road Trip Adventure NPC's

Re: this forum is dying...slowly

when i was around 16 or 18 i went to GTA sa forum in neoseeker. then someone posted something that about the forum dyeing. then lot of people just say like "if GTA vc forum is still alive so this forum will stay alive" after a few month, i went to the same forum and... its dead
Furries and FnaF fan must be terminated to avoid incident-[REDACTED]
- DR.Yonzo

Re: this forum is dying...slowly

Expect more traffic when Regalis makes progress with his newest game.

People like Serimah have lives and families of their own. They cannot be asked to focus on a forum simply because people don't want it to die. Communities live and die; it is the nature of things.

Edit: Also, golden age? You don't even know the half of it. This forum was so much more only a couple years ago, when Containment Breach could actually be classified as 'a thing'.

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Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away