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SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 1:44 am
by Ltn Vasquez
Greetings to the lot of you. I'll be re-opening the SCP Roleplay to these forums (and yes, I pretty much copied this from the old Discussion).

OOC is for Out Of Character. So this is where we can begin to discuss the roleplay itself and character applications which to be submitted in this thread as so:

(Note: Use the following URL to specify a department: ... ments[/url

Name: Security Officer Tyrone Wilson
Years as foundation member: 3
Race/Species: American/Human
Appearance: Athletic build, 5'10, 160 pounds, pale-olive skin-tone, dark grey messy hair draped over his black eyes. On shift, he is always masked in the standard security guard uniform, but off shift he dons the casual clothing of a white short-sleeved dress shirt, black jeans, and running shoes.
Personality: Bitter and cold towards the world around him, Wilson utterly hates humanity in general, but understands there are a handful of people that truly deserves his respect, and he will deliver said respect as much as he can. Wilson executes his job with utmost emotionless and efficiency, but off shift he's known to be a wise-cracking smart-ass from time to time.
History: Wilson grew up in a broken household where both he and his mother were physically abused by his alcoholic father, who died from alcohol poisoning when Wilson was 13. He's shamed to admit this brought a smile upon his face. His teenage years were rough but fine thanks to the passing of his father, plus the fact he got a satisfiable job in the tactical military, but he was permanently submerged into a bout of depression when his mother died in a car accident. Wilson's depression grew to suicidal levels, but fortunately, the Foundation took note of his skills as a military cop and offered him a job.
Extra Info: He really likes PAWGs.
Interests: Smoking, drinking
Name: Dr. William Harris
Race/Species: American/Human
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Years At Facility: 4
Physical Characteristics: Brown hair. Green Eyes. Medium Build. 2m 6".
Personality: Outgoing and intelligent. Knows how to handle self in an emergency.
Information: Former member of the [REDACTED] Wildlife Department. Specializes in care and management of forest animals. Also a minor in mechanical engineering. Dr. William Harris joined Foundation ranks after assisting in the capture and recontainment of several escaped specimens of SCP-1505. Dr. William Harris was born in 1984 in the town of [REDACTED]. His mother died shortly after giving birth. Father committed suicide whenever Harris was age 13. Harris lived with his aunt and uncle afterwards until college.
Name: Matthew Lander
Sex: Male
Race/Species: Human
Years working at the Foundation: 3
Age: 27
Department: Mobile Task Force
Appearance: White Caucasian, has dark brown hair, 6ft tall. Is usually only seen wearing his MTF uniform. Some people even suspect that he sleeps with his uniform on.
As with most MTFs, he's in top physical. However he just recently recovered from a broken femur and thus is very vulnerable to any physical blows dealt to his body.
Personality: He often keeps to himself and doesn't like to express his emotions, however he usually ends up expressing them through his tone of voice without knowing it. He can get ticked off very easily and isn't afraid to threaten someone with his P90, regardless of the matter.
While he doesn't like talking to other personnel he still enjoys the company of other people even when the room is completely silent. He always gets a feeling of dread whenever he's alone, not to the extent of a phobia but enough for him to actively seek areas of a facility full of people.
Despite being an MTF soldier he's still quite sensitive, which he often considers will be his downfall one of these days.
Extra Info: He considers himself a bit of a "tech-wiz" and is fairly decent with mechanical engineering.[/quote]
Name: Harris Backers
Years at Facility: 5
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Regular Human
Age: Ungiven; Said to be estimated from his mid to late 40s.
Apperance: Unlike most unusual workers at the SCP foundation, Harris appears to be in regular shape, however, he did admit that he had a facial deformation in his early years. He has blue-ish green eyes, one leg that currently works (he lost his other leg during a containment breach when he was attacked by SCP-096), a unattached earlobe, and a attached earlobe, and two arms that are in perfect condition for someone his age.
Biography and Personality: Harris was born in the Irish city of Galway, He stated that he immigrated to the United States when he was in his mid teenage years. In 2010, he assumed a job position at the SCP foundation. During a containment breach in 2012, he brutally lost one of his legs by SCP-096, as a result, he has to use a wheel chair to get around the facility, making him more vulnerable to attacks by any SCP object.
Ltn Vasquez
Name: Technical Sergeant "Gale" Tumblers
Race/Species: Human, British/American
Years At Facility: 6
Age: 37
Department: Mobile Task Force
Appearance: Height of six feet. Light brown hair and red eyes, oddly slender and skinny shape. His left arm, neck, and left side of face are stained by a grayish scar on account of an SCP-106 encounter.
Information: Gale worked in the Royal Air Force for about 4 years before switching leaving to America with his brother, Master Sergeant Brutus Tumblers (KIA) to America where they joined the Marine Corps for about 6 years. Any more details have been wiped and are currently unknown in regards to Gale. Currently, the Foundation has no knowledge of how Gale came about to the Foundation, but that he has been working for roughly six years. As of now, Gale is on Mobile Task Force Delta-6 in order to give better freedom to move about as he has proved that he is loyal to the foundation. It will also be an asset if the Foundation knows of the events before Gale's arrival to understand why relations with [REDACTED] are suddenly harsh.
Maria Carlos:
Name: Lucia Borgia
Years as foundation member: 5
Race/Species: Italian/Human
Age: 29
Personality: Neutral, usually unemotional unless working on a patient or angered
Appearance: Slim female body, 5'7, long, straight/casually-kept natural red hair, usually wears a labcoat over a red shirt, as well as grey sweatpants
Extra Info: Lucia was born in Italy, and lived there up until she was five, when her family immigrated to North America. Later in her life, she majored in chemistry in college and became a chemist. She had her GPA and skills in chemistry research noted by the Foundation when she was in her mid-20s.
Interests (Optional): Chemistry, Science, Martial Arts and History.
Name: Dr.Richard Blake
Years at Facility: 4
Race/Species: Human
Age: 28
Appearance: White Caucasian, 1,84M Tall , Slim , Brown Eyes, Messy hair, Grown Sideburns , No facial hair
Extra Info: - He's extremely optimistic, also always try to maintain a good mood, but can easily lose his patience.
- Richard really likes to cooperate, mostly on anything,
- He really likes to talk , Alot
- Born in North York, England.
- Coffee, thats the drink he loves
Name: Connor (Parchezzi [Proun: Par-Chez-ee]) Traymous -- (Prefers to be called "47" or "Parchezzi")
Years at Facility: 4
Race/Species: (Unknown Nationality)/Human
Age: 48
Department: Scientific
Appearance: Traymous wears a Black dyed Lab-Coat with only one tailored button. He is bald, has Icy-Blue/Gray-ish eyes, and is 6' 4" with Black Suit-Like Dress shoes and pants. Has the look of being angered when not. Has Black-Coloured Eye-Brows, that are thinned. Appears to be very strong. His chest bulges, due to his bullet proof vest.
Extra Info: Traymous dislikes, if not hates almost all foods. Mostly likes "Granny Smith" Apples. Traymous is excellent with computers, and knows his way around them well. He is unbelievably sneaky. He can disguise, and hide with incredible skill. Any, and all attempts to find Traymous while hidden were unsuccessful.

Traymous is handy with a gun, but does not carry one. He does, however, carry a type of Garrotte, known as "Fibre Wire" with him at all times. This is finished with two handles, and is not metallic. Due to an Incident with three (3) Guards, possibly GOI or corrupt, Parchezzi now wears a light, bullet proof vest under his Lab-Coat and his white shirt.

Traymous likes to be recognized as his Nickname, Parchezzi, instead of his real name, Connor.
Name: Nicole Kerensky

Gender: Female

Years working at the Foundation: 6

Age: 30

Department: Scientifics

Appearance: Stands at about 5’ 6”; Weighs approximately 145 Kgs; Black hair tied back in a pony-tail(sometimes hanging freely); Pale, white skin; Right eye is green while her left eye has been replaced with a cybernetic sensory device adorned with a single red lens in the center; Right arm has been entirely replaced with a large cybernetic limb operating with hydraulics and servos; Stomach area, along with the heart, have been replaced with metallic plating and a few stray wires; White lab-coat and grey pants.

Personality: Due to her current condition, Nicole has been known to be a rather dull individual. She often gives cold, accurate responses and is easily distracted by that which intrigues her. She is known to be inhumanly quick with her responses.

Extra Info: Nicole is a victim of a modified strand of SCP-217. This copy of the disease has a significantly reduced infectivity level, only being transmitted through blood, and it hardly ever reaches its first stages of infection. This modified strand also seems to convert organics into a more advanced form of cybernetics, using hydraulics and servos unlike the gears and cranks of previous incarnations. The nature of this modified strand has returned her some of her previous access to Foundation facilities. Most of her body has been affected by now, though most of these changes are not visually apparent. The most obvious of changes are her left eye, right arm, and exterior stomach region. She has shown increased strength and perception with these changes, but is in turn severely lacking in personality.

Nicole Kerensky has been found to be an incredibly useful asset to the Foundation and it's goals. Her human ability to assess certain situations and her near instant response-times has proven herself to be an incredibly versatile form of security within Site-██. With this in mind, she has been given access to low-level security footage throughout the facility. It is theorized that she uses this privilege mostly to document the emotional statures of personnel within Site-██(1).

Nicole also has in her possession an instance of SCP-1619-2-C, designated by her as a 'Lamp Cat'. While she has not displayed any emotional attachment to this specimen, she will actively go out of her way to protect and take care of it for reasons not completely understood by Foundation officials(2).

Footnotes: (1) - She is known to do this specifically for the added ability of forming emotional logs of on-site personnel. She will commonly use these logs to further enhance her ability to converse with these personnel. When she is not working, she will commonly attempt to seek out other personnel to interact with for the purpose of building upon their emotional logs.

(2) - It is believed that this behavior is a sign of 'personality leakage', dubbed by off-site psychiatrist Dr. ████████. While she does not display emotional attachment towards the Lamp Cat, her protection over it is seen as her 'Older Self' leaking out.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:04 am
by hug0905
Welcome back, Ltn Vasquez!

My Application:
Name: Keith Keiser
Years as foundation member: 5
Race/Species: Basitin
Appearance: A canine-like male
Extra Info: Born on the Basidian Islands. About 950 years later, still looking the same way as he was, he sailed to the United States to pursue his career in the SCP foundation

updated because i learned that i dont have to use myself *giggles and blushes out of stupidity*
CommanderPro100 wrote:
hug0905 wrote:
Welcome back, Ltn Vasquez!

My Application:
Name: Marley Hughes
Years as foundation member: 2.5
Race/Species: Human/Basitin
Appearance: A typical appearance of a young teenager
Extra Info: Known for being a furry (huge apologies if this has become a minor theme of my posts recently), fan of the Twokinds webcomic
Interests: Computers, writing, arts
Out of all the self-inserts I've seen, this is the worst.
Don't worry, I slightly fixed it now, I know now I don't have to use myself here :p

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:33 am
by D-9999
Well, I dunno if I'm gonna actually attend or not, but I'm gonna leave this here anyways.

Name: Lucia Borgia
Years as foundation member: 5
Race/Species: Italian/Human
Appearance: Slim female body, 5'7, long, straight/casually-kept natural red hair, usually wears a labcoat over a red shirt, as well as grey sweatpants
Extra Info: Lucia was born in Italy, and lived there up until she was five, when her family immigrated to North America. Later in her life, she majored in chemistry in college and became a chemist. She had her GPA and skills in chemistry research noted by the Foundation when she was in her mid-20s.
Interests (Optional): Chemistry, Science, Martial Arts and History.

P.S.: Maybe put the fields in bold next time, it makes em look more professional. Just a suggestion :D

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:40 am
by CommanderMark
hug0905 wrote:Welcome back, Ltn Vasquez!

My Application:
Name: Marley Hughes
Years as foundation member: 2.5
Race/Species: Human/Basitin
Appearance: A typical appearance of a young teenager
Extra Info: Known for being a furry (huge apologies if this has become a minor theme of my posts recently), fan of the Twokinds webcomic
Interests: Computers, writing, arts
Out of all the self-inserts I've seen, this is the worst.

Also Ltn why did you start using this account instead of your Vulpest account?

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:47 am
by Absence
Name: Security Officer Tyrone Wilson
Years as foundation member: 3
Race/Species: American/Human
Appearance: Athletic build, 5'10, 160 pounds, pale-olive skin-tone, dark grey messy hair draped over his black eyes
Extra Info: He really likes PAWGs.
Interests: Smoking, drinking


Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:49 am
by CLgaming
-DELETED-hopefully nobody quoted this bullshit. if any of you did, destroy that thing immediately.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 2:59 am
by Trialtrex21
hug0905 wrote:Welcome back, Ltn Vasquez!

My Application:
Name: Keith Keiser
Years as foundation member: 5
Race/Species: Basitin
Appearance: A canine-like male
Extra Info: Born on the Basidian Islands. About 950 years later, still looking the same way as he was, he sailed to the United States to pursue his career in the SCP foundation

Edit: Jesus Christ this whole thread hurts me.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:07 am
by Ltn Vasquez
hug0905 wrote:Welcome back, Ltn Vasquez!

My Application:
Name: Keith Keiser
Years as foundation member: 5
Race/Species: Basitin
Appearance: A canine-like male
Extra Info: Born on the Basidian Islands. About 950 years later, still looking the same way as he was, he sailed to the United States to pursue his career in the SCP foundation

updated because i learned that i dont have to use myself *giggles and blushes out of stupidity*
CommanderPro100 wrote:
hug0905 wrote:
Welcome back, Ltn Vasquez!

My Application:
Name: Marley Hughes
Years as foundation member: 2.5
Race/Species: Human/Basitin
Appearance: A typical appearance of a young teenager
Extra Info: Known for being a furry (huge apologies if this has become a minor theme of my posts recently), fan of the Twokinds webcomic
Interests: Computers, writing, arts
Out of all the self-inserts I've seen, this is the worst.
Don't worry, I slightly fixed it now, I know now I don't have to use myself here :p
First of all, no.
Second, you'll have to give more detail on your application, especially if your character is nonhuman. See the app for Trials if you want an example.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:12 am
by Trialtrex21
Ltn Vasquez wrote:-snip-
Here is Trials' app:
Jesus Christ I forgot how fucking in-depth this shit went.

It's so bad though oh god.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:15 am
by Ltn Vasquez
Trialtrex21 wrote:
Ltn Vasquez wrote:-snip-
Here is Trials' app:
Jesus Christ I forgot how fucking in-depth this shit went.

It's so bad though oh god.
Then redo it. I thought it was really good, but I'll let you change it for now.

Also, Just a basic reminder, we need to discuss how we'll start the RP. Did somebody say we just continue the old RP? I agree...

Edit: Hug, be a human unless you can be a good nonhuman.

Super Edit:
Are you kidding me, CL? No.