Re: The 914 game

Output: One anti-tank rifle, lacking outer shell for the gun. The gun is unable to penetrate and lacks sufficient firepower for any damage against anything. Upon use mechanical parts breakdown, rendering the gun a single use.

Input: A sample of 860-1's blood mixed with a sample of Dr. Imperfect's blood
Setting: 1:1

Re: The 914 game

Input:One Level 3 Key Card
Setting: 1:1
Output:Playing Card

Input:One Level 2 Key Card
Setting:Very Fine
Output:One Key Card Omni(sometimes MasterCard)

Output:Radio that doesn't need batteries

Input:S-Nav 300
Setting:Very Fine
Output:S-Nav Ultimate(and Technical Accomplishments achievement)

Input:Gas Mask
Setting:Very Fine
Output:Gas Mask(grants infinite sprint)

Input:A document
Setting:Very Fine
Everyone hates me :'(