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Re: Schizophrenia (087-Mod)

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:38 am
by tumblingcogs
Ltn Vasquez wrote:Nah, Schizophrenia is a disorder that ruptures normal senses and creates imaginary senses as well as create voices that have terrible vices and go against normal feelings and morals. In this game, it's best to add voices constantly screaming about how wrong you are.

"That the wrong way"
"Stop, it is too dangerous"
"They locked you in because they don't like you"

Source: I studied this some time ago and saw a video of a Schizophrenia simulation.
Also, this would be a great idea.
Perhaps make him even talk to himself, because he thinks the voices are real.
Schizophrenia is also a break between reality and imagination, so that fits in pretty well, in my own opinion, of course.

Re: Schizophrenia (087-Mod)

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:44 am
by tumblingcogs
And to sort of clear up, yes, Schizophrenia IS a "split of mind" but it is not a split personality disorder.
It causes you to hear not what your conscious says, but what another voice (often a violent or discomforting voice or theme in what they say) says to you.
A split personality disorder would be more closely related to something such as bipolar/manic depression, however if I remember psychology very well, I don't think that's one either, but it would be closely related due to neurotic tendencies of a split personality disorder.
Hope this makes some sort of sense.
Also hope I'm right, but I'm pretty sure, after living with a father with both of those disorders for 14 years of my life.

Re: Schizophrenia (087-Mod)

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:19 am
by Ltn Vasquez
cogs, please note that double or triple posting here is a Nope here. Please refrain from that if you will.

Anyways, it would work well for crossroads. The player would go one direction, and the voices tel him not to. He goes the other way, the voices tell him it is way too dangerous.