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SCP-087-B Remastered

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:26 pm
by CLgaming
So Imma just post this here since it's been sitting on my harddrive for god knows how long.


Re: SCP-087-B Remastered

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:55 pm
by Child Muncher

No information, pictures or anything, just a download link?


Re: SCP-087-B Remastered

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:01 pm
by Nehpys
Okay, I'l comment my thoughts on it.

The program is in Windowed, and my computer won't allow me to move the window, so it stays half cut off.

My Camera never turns right, only left. I can look up and down, just not right. It only happened with this mod.

The Walking is alright, but it seems REALLY awkward, having it abruptly stop. It's sort of like me slamming my head down whenever I walk.

The sounds are nice, I just wish some textures were changed.

The running is redundant. It makes it more, "Realistic" but it's not useful. Only if you really turn around to run from the masked man, which you just need to back up a few steps.

i r8 7/10

Re: SCP-087-B Remastered

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 8:30 pm
by Nehpys
Child Muncher wrote:Seriously?

No information, pictures or anything, just a download link?


I really think there are no texture changes. I think it's just sound replacement. There's also running.

Re: SCP-087-B Remastered

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:29 pm
by CLgaming
Uh there are a few texture changes.

I never found those bugs when I played it though.. :?

I actually made this as a prototype for something even bigger but I abandoned it long ago. That doesn't mean it'll be left in the trash forever though :wink:

Also, I built the code off of juan's Options mod. So sorry Lord Juan.