Re: SCP Suggestions General

I still encourage everyone to look into SCP-1346, it could have several different phobias the player could experience and if the player stays too long they could suffer from cardiac arrest that other subjects have experienced.

Just a thought :3

P.S I need to give Regalis' CO a call so I can get him out of there early, since I have loads of swag that should be no problem ;D (I hope all is wel for him though lol)
Your Friendly Neighborhood Motivator

God is Love
(Look me up on Soundcloud! ^-^ )

Re: SCP Suggestions General

GruntunitG602 wrote:
A Hideous Beast wrote:
Tomgrakk wrote:Indeed they do. I would have suggested a way to implement 049 into the game, but I think you hit the nail on the head already.
Say it boh!

EDIT: Finally did a quick sketch of the Larger 049

-snip- I was thinking, when he is idle or not chasing the player his layers of clothing could remain "wrapped" around him, but when he starts chasing the player at full speed his coat and cloak could spread out a bit, making him appear even larger and more threatening.
All of my yes.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

I should say to recommend SCP 173 to get contained... Maybe you could trap him by getting SCP 131 or SCP 718?

and I recommend the Plague Doctor SCP 049

Re: SCP Suggestions General


I'm suggesting this SCP because it might be able to play some roles in the game. I have been able to come up with a couple uses that I hope Regalis will look into.

1) A third exit/ending (Gate C) is added into the game where SCP-079 manages to insert itself into SCP-278's system and take control of it. SCP-079 then proceeds to use the machine to escape the facility through Gate C, where MTF units and helicopters have already been stationed. As the SCP forces open fire on 278 and 079, the player witnesses the events as he/she attempts to sneak away and escape, only to be killed by an MTF, helicopter, or, if it is re-inserted in the way that another user said once before, 513-1, where it appears before him/her and the screen goes black. In the ending audio, it is mentioned that SCP-079 failed to escape and SCP-278 has been destroyed, and the Foundation will proceed to contain the SCP's within the facility.

2) The player uses SCP-278 to escape the facility, through a third exit. (Gate C, once again.) (On a side note, SCP-682 can possibly chase the player in a chase scene, as Regalis once said.) The player attempts to evade MTF units that open fire and try to kill him/her. If the player dies, he/she wins the game in a bad ending case. If the player escapes the MTF units and/or SCP-682, he/she will be intercepted by the Chaos Insurgency, AKA the mysterious figures that are seen in the Gate A ending, and is taken away, in a somewhat good ending case.

I would have suggested this long ago, but I forgot the SCP number. Commentary welcome.
Last edited by Z-Bites on Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.