Idea's for an SCP game.

So here's how it would go.


SCP-008 broke out in the facility and you need to find a way out. The gate A elevator and passage way is blocked by debris and everything, so the only way out is by SCP-079 (Like in the regular game) since he knows the way out.


So here's the fun part, SCP's can sometimes help and maybe try to kill you but the most popular SCP's will not be included (AKA SCP-173, SCP-106, SCP-096.) Examples of SCP's I have is: SCP-049, SCP-053 (Maybe),SCP-058, SCP-073, SCP-076, SCP-127 ect...

But I would like it if you could defend yourself but you only start off with nothing but your hands (Which I would like to be used to punch, grab of throw away people). Guns (And Melee's) I would recommend are: Government Issued .50AE, 9mm, SCP-127, M4, Knife, Iron Pipe and .20 Gauge. As for SCP-127, maybe yes or no.

Your character: You would be playing as a Level 1 Scientist and you only have a 9mm (With only 1 Clip), Level 1 Keycard and a pair of glasses (Which I will explain here on out). You would have to find bigger weapons and ammunition to survive and get the hell out of there.

Other AI's: D-Class, MTF's and Chao's Insurgency's are your main enemy since they will think your infected, as for saying, they cannot trust you.


Your inventory: You only have 10 slots in your inventory.

Here are the items

Keycard level 1
Description: The main keycard you start out with. It can open a few doors.

Keycard level 2
Description: Your next step keycard you have to find, it can open a few more doors in the facility.

Keycard level 3
Description: A keycard which can open a lot of doors (Including the armory which will only contain 1 .50AE)

Keycard level 4
Description: Can open every door except 2 (The Omega Warhead and Dr. Gears office).

Keycard level 5
Description: You can access the Omega Warhead and nuke the place at the time when you get out and you will find a M4 in
Dr. Gears office.

Description: Keeps 40% of smoke away from your eyes (Doesn't help TOO much for smoke and all)

Description: Will keep away 90% of the smoke away from your eyes (Best eye-protection)

Description: A sample of the virus, you can kill yourself with this is you want.

Small Medical Kit
Description: A small medical kit that heals little of your injury.

Medium Medical Kit
Description: A larger medical kit that can kill gunshot wounds.

Large Medical Kit
Description: Takes 2 of your slots (Since it's big) that can heal almost every wound that you have.

This is pretty much it.
I lost weight just by running up and down the stairs...

Re: Idea's for an SCP game.

Well, this is an idea for an SCP game, I'm not creating it (Or else it would be like GTA V). Also, it is somewhat kind of different because SCP:Containment breach doesn't allow guns, also, your playing as a scientist and not a D-Class.
I lost weight just by running up and down the stairs...