SCP-610 Major Progress Update

Hello everyone !! Nice to see you all again, I have some news for you. We have a ModDB page now, and progress will be uploaded there every week. I have already uploaded a new screenshot. In case you don't want to check that page for the new Screenshot. I've added it below.
I'm really happy about this updated look to the game. I'm considering having a mix between this and the early gritty look. But I want to know what do you guys think about this updated look ? I look forward to hearing from all of you. And SCP-610 hopes to infect you all very soon.......

Thanks, Yours truly
BJFowLer ( Head Developer 1#)

Re: SCP-610 Major Progress Update

The image does look really nice.

In terms of the look of the room, it depends on the context it is presented in. Is is a abandoned foundation facility deep within the quarantine zone or is it currently well staffed and maintained? However I would argue that most of a base should have some wear and tear on it except possibly for the research departments.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.