Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Before Jordan left, Steven thanked him and stood up, he couldn't feel any worse than right now, but he kept walking, he passed by Philo's office and screamed "Don't worry, i'm just fine!", since he knew Philo was probably going to be mad at him later on.

"Hm...Where to go now...Ah! The break room!" he muttered to himself, walking with a slightly faster pace. He was pretty tired, but he disliked being in that bed any longer.

He opened the break room door and slowly made his way to a chair, he sat down on it and exhaled heavily, so nice to finally be in the break room again!

"Huh, why is there so many people in here?" He said loudly, thinking he had just thought that and not said it, he was in a corner of the room, away from the mass of people looking at the TV. He disregarded it and proceeded to look at his hands, they were covered in bruises and small cuts that already had scabs over them, they felt pretty painful. Was the breach that bad? The only time he had lost conciousness was after...It doesn't matter.

The strange thing is that his senses felt so clear, even thought he had not taken his medication for weeks, but he thought again, he had lost his bottle of pills before, during the breach.

"Huh, maybe they already discovered i use that sort of stuff to keep myself well." He thought, thinking of who might have administered his medication to him while he was hospitalized.

He looked at the crowd and screamed, since the room was so loud with the voices of people "Why the bloody hell do you keep staring at that bloody screen!?"

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Gale smiled gratefully at Slade.

"That's good, but Anna's duties will need to be put on hold. Her knowledge on the Federal Bureau will be vital." he sighed for a moment, before excusing himself from the crowd. Once he'd walked a space away, he said to Slade, "I know I've been acting strange lately, but the fact is I'm getting so close. I've spent so much time in papers and documents, enough to drive a man crazy, but it's there.

"About the IA, i've heard of one in DC, and I got to talk to him a few days back. He says the riots are close, all the shit in Syria is enough to spark a full blown revolution, and who are they going to blame? The FBI. Why? Well, I don't know, Americans are just like that. They get pissed over everything. I'm leaving to the Bureau tonight, and I got some help from a few others. I even got Heathen to come with me. Can you believe that?

"Anyways, I need Anna to meet us near DC so she can help us navigate around. As for how we enter..." he pulled from his backpack a riot helmet and black vest, "You'll need this if you want the yanks to support you"

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"Shh Steven, I'm focussing!"

Trex completely disregarded what Steven had asked, and went back to what he was doing.

He gasped, and seemed irritated.

"Dammit, why the hell can't I get it right?"

He lied down on the couch, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. He looked back to Steven.

"Ugh, I don't know what they are doing, something called the UEF."

Trials headed back to the break room, as he was not going to Syria with Gale. There was a large commotion over the broadcast, and Trials found himself irritated.

"All of you shut the fuck up already, the broadcast is over. Now get back to work!"

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"Alright, I'll give her a call."

Slade suddenly felt better, and was glad to be out of the facility. He grabbed his radio and called Anna.

"We need you in D.C. kill the plant ASAP and get to the Royal Street hotel. We'll take a room, and use that as a primary base for the mission."


"Yes sir. See you soon."

Anna pocketed her radio. She noticed Slade's demeanor had changed. He was less... depressed sounding.

She got up from the sand dune, and clambered down it. At the bottom waited her dune buggy, she hopped in and drove off. She arrived at the safe house she was currently living at, in a matter of minutes. She went inside, opened the weapons case, and withdrew a silenced MK.11. She took it apart, inspected it, cleaned it, and then placed it next to her bed. She sat on the bed, popped open her laptop, and killed a few hours.

At about 8 P.M she left the house and drove to a remote town. She quickly located an abandoned church that she scouted out earlier for the purpose of eliminating this target. She set up shop and looked at the whorehouse that the C.I plant should be at soon. After about 45 minutes, she spotted his car approaching the building. He stopped, got out with 2 guards, and walked into the building. Anna knew the room he'd be 'sleeping' in, and set her scope in the rooms window. She waited about 8 minutes before seeing the man enter the room with two scantily clad women. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, waiting for the 'civilians' to be out of the line of fire. The two women laid on the bed, inviting the man. This was the moment. Anna exhaled, and gently pulled the trigger. The shot was nearly silent. A hole punched through the glass window, and then through the mans head. A puff of red mist emitted from the side of his head, and he slowly fell to the ground. The women screamed. Anna grabbed the expended brass of the ground, wiped down anywhere she may have touched, and got out of there.

Anna was back in her buggy within 30 seconds, and was on her way back to the safe house, to destroy evidence, and to signal for a pickup. While driving she grabbed her phone and called Slade.

"HVT's dead, send a pick up for me please."

"Heh, nice work. See you in D.C."

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

When Slade had lowered the radio, he brought him to his room. Inside, Heathen, as well as two MTF members from different units, waited here. They were already clad in SWAT team uniforms. In this atmosphere, it looked quite odd.

"'Bout time, what took you so long? Come on, get dressed and-" he stopped upon seeing Slade and, in unison to the other two MTF, moved to the position of attention. gale waved them off and Heathen was silent. Gale dressed in his uniform and provided Slade with his own.

"You'll need this very soon. You can wear your own uniform for now, but don't forget to keep it with you at all times. Any evidence of the Foundation could mean our deaths," after a second thought, he said, "Hill Street Hotel? Good choice. We'll be able to get all the details there. Come now, the heli's waiting."

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Slade slipped into the SWAT gear quickly.

"Alright, sounds good."

He and the others climbed into the helicopter. It took off shortly thereafter. Slade looks to Gale.

"So... details?"


Anna showed up at the hotel, and ordered a room. She flashed her badge, and said it was offical F.B.I business. She was shone to the room on the 37th level, and she thanked the employee who carried her bags. When she went in the room, she sighed. While the room was large ( almost penthouse sized ) there were only two beds, and a couch. This was going to be a cramped living space for the next week or so.

She realized that she was still wearing what she had been wearing in Syria. She went and showered, then threw on shorts and a tank top. She looked around bored. She decided to set up the room. She placed maps on the tables, set up secure lines and computers, took out recording equipment, placed camera's outside the room, and she set up the dartboard and chess set, incase anyone got bored. She then left to go buy food to stock up the fridge, incase the operation lasted a while. She was thorough as always.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"I'll tell you when we get there, eh?"


"Wow, for a UIU agent, she's quite organized," saaid Heathen as they entered their room. It was now dark, and everyone seemed beat (discluding Gale, he was ready to topple over, but he didn't shot it). Upon seeing Anna, he nodded his thanks for the room, and looked over to a table that had been set up for this moment.

"Alright, here's the deal, the Foundation has funded me slightly due to the great deluge of files in the their own archives, but they call it the Athenaeum after the one in Athens. Now, the heli will escort us on the roof. We need all manner of normalcy when entering the Bureau or else they'll see through the disguise. We're keeping the death rate too a low, but if anyone finds out who that rogue team that infiltrated the bureau is, you kill them, no exceptions.

Anna, you'll be our guide, I expect you know where the Athenaeum is. If all goes well, we'll be in an out in less than ten minutes. The only thing that can possibly hold us back is a locked door. That won't hold us back."

He stopped for a moment. He remembered something else, he didn't want to mention it, though. He kept the thought to himself, it was irrelevant. And impossible. Right?

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Mestiar, waiting for someone in the break room, started to read some paperwork and articles about “The Holders”, specifically, “The Holder of Oblivion”. Then, Eleanor got in the break room, she looked through the crowd who was exiting the room and talking about the president´s speech to find Ulrich, which was seating on a small table on the left side of the room. She seats on a chair in front of Mestiar. He didn´t pay attention to the arrival of Sylvanna.

“Feel any better?” She asked.

“Not really, this noisy crowd is really annoying.”

“At least you tried to talk to someone? I mean, you are “Dr. Strange” after all, someone has to recognize you.”

He lifted his face, staring at her

“Of course I did! But it seems that I´m not “Dr. Strange” anymore, three different guys this week; they come close to me and ask “Hey, who are you? Haven´t see you before” and I respond “Well, I’m Dr. Strange!” and they laugh at my face and go away, it´s really frustrating!”

Sylvanna turned his vision away, thinking, she has tried everything to help Mestiar, and she was running out of options. She then looked at him again.

“Isolating in your office and blaming yourself for the things that you realized in the box won’t make any better... Here on the break room should be someone that you know better that a random scientist of the foundation”

“I guess so… Anyway, I have a lot of work to do with this thing about the holders”

“And you really should stop with the paranormal stuff, what about working on physics again?”

“Right... physics was nice, should get on that one again. But I still need to know if Slade and Kelman picked up the Holders on Sheol… Anyways, how is your neuroscience stuff going?”

“It’s going pretty great actually, we started again yesterday-”

The conversation was interrupted by the words of Trials, who was irritated by the noisy crowd too: "All of you shut the fuck up already, the broadcast is over. Now get back to work!"

“Charming” Mestiar said.
Last edited by Mestiar on Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
How about a nice game of chess?


Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"Yeah sure man thanks for the bloody good welcome." Said Steven, seemlingly irritated of Trex's sudden scream to him, he hadn't seen him in like a week, after all.

"Either way, i should get out of here before Philo catches me, i shouldn't be here really, this cane isn't even mine." He said, quickly looking around and standing up slowly, he didn't know what was going on in the break room, but he was tired and couldn't bother himself with going around asking.

He walked out of the break room and waved his hand at Trex, then he closed the door.

"Let's just hope he doesn't hear me..." he thought, looking at Philo's office door and walking slowly, but suddenly he started feeling a slight itch in his nose, he sneezed loudly and after that, he started walking as quick as he could, hoping Philo didn't hear.

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Philo clicked his radio off when the broadcast finished. Apparently things are happening over in DC. Big things. However, these were things that didn't require his professions. Unless there was a legitimate reason for him to be sent off to the capital, such as an MTF needing a bone marrow transplant on the field, then he felt there was no need to be doing so much traveling for things that didn't interest him.

The loud sneeze caught the weevil's attention immediately. He quickly stood up and headed for the door, swinging it open quickly only to see Steven walking quickly away from his door. He stared at the wayward doctor with the blankest of expressions, clearing his throat to signify he's been spotted.

"Well," Philo spoke loudly with an annoyed tone, walking behind and catching up to Steven quickly, "I'm glad you decided to return. I figured you would've broken those atrophied legs of yours by now." He stepped in front of Steven to stop him in his tracks and held out his claws, expecting the scruffy doctor to hand the stolen cane over. "Give me that and head back to your room before you do break them."