Re: Improved Intro Sequence

I might work on a mod for the proposed sequence. I think that maybe though, the fourth tries to come along with the guard, but is refused for reasons that "the work is for three," but tries to continue on, THEN gets killed that way instead.

Re: Improved Intro Sequence

Omniary wrote:I'm going to merge this thread with the one here since it serves practically the same purpose.

As for your suggestions, I like them, I can reason and agree with most of them to an extent. I don't think the fourth D-Class would work well since 3 is the minimum needed and a fourth guy just would make things a bit weird (they'd have to replace him if they intend on having 4 Class Ds). Perhaps there's a small chance that one of the two Class Ds in your cell has a panic attack and he gets terminated. Then the guard will talk to a supervisor over the radio, whom states that a replacement subject from another sector has been prepped for testing. When you get to 173's chamber, he'll be there waiting for you and the other one. I do think that the suggestions for 173's chamber might be a bit too much, perhaps the lights go out once and the Class D who approaches 173 gets his neck wringed, while the doors start to close again. The other Class D freaks out, and tries to break out the door, but the power fails and the intro proceeds from the blackout.

I also think the intro should be expanded, showing an actual progression through the zones and facility (hopefully the class D cells aren't actually located two rooms down from 173's chamber).
I like this allot!
And to bring another idea from someone, how about the guard actual telling you how to blink and why?

Re: Improved Intro Sequence

Omniary wrote:I'm going to merge this thread with the one here since it serves practically the same purpose.

As for your suggestions, I like them, I can reason and agree with most of them to an extent. I don't think the fourth D-Class would work well since 3 is the minimum needed and a fourth guy just would make things a bit weird (they'd have to replace him if they intend on having 4 Class Ds). Perhaps there's a small chance that one of the two Class Ds in your cell has a panic attack and he gets terminated. Then the guard will talk to a supervisor over the radio, whom states that a replacement subject from another sector has been prepped for testing. When you get to 173's chamber, he'll be there waiting for you and the other one. I do think that the suggestions for 173's chamber might be a bit too much, perhaps the lights go out once and the Class D who approaches 173 gets his neck wringed, while the doors start to close again. The other Class D freaks out, and tries to break out the door, but the power fails and the intro proceeds from the blackout.

I also think the intro should be expanded, showing an actual progression through the zones and facility (hopefully the class D cells aren't actually located two rooms down from 173's chamber).
Sounds lovely. i hope they actually add this.

Re: Improved Intro Sequence

Omniary wrote:I also think the intro should be expanded, showing an actual progression through the zones and facility (hopefully the class D cells aren't actually located two rooms down from 173's chamber).
Maybe a transportation sequence? Like both Half-Lifes start in a train of sort.

It can start with the gaurds escorting you (and maybe another class-d) to a rail system of sorts, which will take you to the containment area.

Or instead of that kind of transportation, maybe the the sector where the class0d are located can be above or below the containment chambers, and the gaurds walk you to an elevator of sorts.

Re: Improved intro

Make the testing into a clean up job. That would mean that the majority of the dialouge and events will change. If there is ever expanded first person view, then the player would be holding a mop and bucket in their hands. Bucket and mop will drop uselessly on the ground after the real game begins. Attempting to pick up mop will yield the message "I would pick it up if it were a boomstick."
"Checklist completed, S.O.B."

Re: Improved intro

Here are 2 things I think could be implemented!

1.There will be a dead D-Class getting disposed by a guard (Guard says :"If you don't want to end up like that guy,follow the instructions I say"). This will happen randomly in the intro.

Why this should be implemented?
Maybe they killed one of them for disobeying the rules and sent you instead of him!

2.Adding like a button right beside the players room.

Why this should be implemented?
How did those guards open the door?

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