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Re: SCP-[even number]-J Results

Item #: SCP-3-J Object Class: KETUUUUR Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3-J is to be kept in a YOUR MAMA-lined containment chamber located in SCP-682, where it is to be guarded at all times by no less than 2 Profession armed with Guitars. In the event that SCP-3-J ever begins flying its leg, Kla...

Re: [0.8.1] SCP-173 spawning on you

I actually watched to see what would happen through wireframe and extending the camera fog. What happens is he spawns in a non-rendered room somewhere, usually near you, and always above you. The collision points aren't there, so he simply falls. While he's falling he goes into a spiral (since that...

Re: Removal of 372.

I don't want him to be removed I really like that SCP and it still scares me sometimes. Same with 513 I like that SCP (maybe that's why I'm ringing it so often) and it scares me sometimes.

Re: (0.8.1) 096 GLITCH

I cannot disagree more. I happen to love it when 096 randomly appears. Same for 173. However, I also understand how you feel about it being unrealistic, these spontaneous appearances make for a less immersive game. Yeah i have this too. i once had it that a MTF just spawned in front of me and i had...

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