Re: SCP-610 News

BJFowLer wrote:Hey, as my computer is crashing a lot I wont be online much but to answer you Steelpoint not a FPS and TPS by any means more something along the line SCP:CB but still very different. In simpler terms you can "fight" back but you won't be able to very much your weapon won't do very much to the infected. So it will be more about avoiding the infected. If you have to fight it is advised you do not do it for long.
I'm thinking of something like the Silent Hill series, where you CAN fight back, but it's usually better to run.

Re: SCP-610 News

The Thing.
The Thing?
Oh I know everything about that. And I mean EVERYTHING.
If you need to know stuff about that/those movie(s) I got everything.
John Carpenter is the MAN. Or the FLESH. Maybe both. Just ask me if you want to know EVERYTHING about the thing virus.