Re: The Sculpture

Terrified Virus wrote:Out of curiosity, what are these "gameplay reasons" you are talking about? Like technical issues?
He's talking about SCP-173 not being able to move if he is stared at through a wall, or whatever you said earlier.

Re: The Sculpture

Keep in mind if he could move even with a wall between you and him; if your not looking right at him then both games would be quite impossible. For example in SCP:CB if he's behind a door as long as you look at the door he won't open it,now if he opened the door anyway even though you looking at the door then escaping would be nearly impossible as there would be nothing slowing him down. If you shut a door in his face he would just reopen it, thus making escape almost out of reach. In my humble opinion. Of course you may have done it for scripting reasons, it's easier [At lest for me] to script him to be unable to move as long the First Person Camera is facing him, as you don't have to take into account any objects between the camera and him.

Re: The Sculpture

Would a class d change the lightbulbs? I thought they were just used as test subjects. If a class d wanted to escape, that would be a pretty easy escape method. And then I think he would be more likely to run out of the facility, rather than recontain 173. To my knowledge, Class D's are just prisoners that were sentenced to death, but instead taken to an SCP facility to perform tests on SCP's, right?

Re: The Sculpture

You may be right, actually.

I admit, this game doesn't follow all the rules found in the SCP Foundation website, for example, 173 will move at a very slow rate when compared to the 173 in Containment Breach. Also, there is no blinking meter in this game, making it less realistic.