Re: Multiplayer mod - UNRELEASED

I participate :p

Omniary, it is InTheNight ;)
"My grammar is bad because I am French... Yeah I makes progress ohhhhh !!!"
La théorie de la vie est : Merguez + Patate = my live is potato ...

Re: Multiplayer mod - UNRELEASED

Is there some way I can support without donating money? I want to keep this going
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Re: Multiplayer mod - UNRELEASED

So how will SCP106 work? If he captures your friend, will 106 stay in the Pocket Dimension until the friend dies or escapes?

Also, if one player wins the game, does the game end? (EDIT: I found this question on the previous page)

No rush on the mod, take all the time you need and keep up the good work. I can't wait!

Sorry if either of the questions have been asked before.

Re: Multiplayer mod - UNRELEASED

That gif is WAY too big. Crelyous. You better remove or hide it before your post is deleted. Also, what does that have anything to do with this conversation? Are you purposely vandalizing the discussion?