Re: SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod (WIP)

Categories like you said are very good because its more realist first, and you can make some rooms or some situations where a kind of weapons can be placed (for exemple : MTF light armor room, MTF heavy armor room, a scene with a MTF who die because of 173 and he lose his M249, etc...) a lot of possibilities :)

You should place you know kind of pre-alpha where we can see in CB how the gameplay with weapon, etc... :D

For exemple you can give a test version where we can have the game like you did actually (we can tp weapons, open fire with one of them, etc...) same if it doesnt kill anybody :)
Im really impatient to test it and i think im far to be alone in this case :D

And i think that is a good way to make a good promotion :P

Re: SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod (WIP)

Alphive wrote:Categories like you said are very good because its more realist first, and you can make some rooms or some situations where a kind of weapons can be placed (for exemple : MTF light armor room, MTF heavy armor room, a scene with a MTF who die because of 173 and he lose his M249, etc...) a lot of possibilities :)

You should place you know kind of pre-alpha where we can see in CB how the gameplay with weapon, etc... :D

For exemple you can give a test version where we can have the game like you did actually (we can tp weapons, open fire with one of them, etc...) same if it doesnt kill anybody :)
Im really impatient to test it and i think im far to be alone in this case :D

And i think that is a good way to make a good promotion :P
Actually I thought on releasing a Pre-Alpha soon, but I would want to do some little things first:
- Change the spawning room from :173:-Chamber to the "GateAEntrance"
- Making the "bullets" of the gun having the ability to hit entitys (probably not damaging/killing them, just hitting them so they won't go through them)
- Adding the "Reload-Key","Chat-Key" and "ToggleGun-Key" as changeable controls in the Options (wouldn't take that long)

I think more things wouldn't be implemented into the PreAlpha because other things would take too long.

EDIT: Actually some little things such as if you pick up a P90 then it will give you +1 magazine (another little addition I could make easily).

Re: SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod (WIP)

Awesome to hear that a Pre-Alpha is coming out soon! I can't wait for it! :laugh:

I had a few ideas of my own that might be of interest in future versions:

1. A Points system (in where you earn points for shooting down rogue Class-D, re-containing SCPs and rescuing SCP-Staff) that will let you spend hard earned Points in a Shop Menu in the Main Menu. Here, you can buy Extras (like Challenges, Difficulty Modes, new weapons, upgrades, etc...) and maybe change the outfit colours of the MTFs by buying different colour schemes.

2. A Level System in where you can earn EXP (again for shooting down rogue Class-D, re-containing SCPs and rescuing SCP-Staff) and each Class MTF you play as has their own Level so you can level up each one individually, upgrading their Health, Stamina, Speed, Reload Speed, Accuracy, Blink Timer, etc...

3. And you might have seen this in my Thread before, but maybe the ability to play as SCPs? (Not like 173, because that wouldn't be easy) and maybe they could have a Level Up system of their own. Perhaps to play as SCP, one can buy the SCP Mode and the different playable SCPs in the Points Shop...

Eh, that all makes it sound so complex. It would make it more of an RPG with the Level Up system, so might be best not to add that. Idk.

Those are just a few things I suggested, but the Points Shop wouldn't actually be too bad of an idea. Just wanted to let you know some ideas! :)

Re: SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod (WIP)

In annex version yes why not, but im more to keep the "original" system first and, why not, in expansion that PXLSHN can do, we can have this kind of system :)

But its not call of duty, its SCP ^^

For exemple in the time :
SCP NTF mod v1.0
SCP NTF mod v1.1
SCP NTF Expansion pack for 1.1 - XP Force
SCP NTF mod v1.2 (without the extension Pack, original game is kept)
SCP NTF Expansion pack for 1.2 - XP Force
SCP NTF Expansion pack for 1.2 - SCP control

After its an idea but like that you are sure that people can add that they want :)

Re: SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod (WIP)

ShadOfSwad DeSmuME wrote:Yeah, I kinda regretted asking those ideas becuz it would be a CoD Clone, but hey, Expansion Packs sound great!
Xxxx360420swagXXX, GET TO THE FLAG!

But seriously though. I could just imagine a shoot out of the MTF and the Chaos Insurgency. Hiding behind desk and things. Maybe stopping them from taking SCPs.
I swear to god. I hope that when this gets released, there won't be people like "I GOT A NOSCOPE"

Also, If I ever used this in my mod, it would work perfectly, because the Nazi Officers already have guns.
Don't worry about your son, he will be sent to the deep dark depths in no time.

Re: SCP - Nine Tailed Fox Mod (WIP)

Please slender :'( i cannot imagine SCP like that :'(

And shadofswad dont worry every ideas are good to take :) look thank to you maybe PXL will like it and make expansion or kind of system like that :)

i want just the SCP spirit be not killed in this mod :(

Be a Nine Tailed Fox
Receive orders from your command
Enter in the facility
Progress with your team or without, anyways progres inside

Fuck , PXL please make this game my dick become hard xD <3