Re: Changing Textures

Sorry if bump, buut right now some progress is made :D

I'm using Pixrl and Paint (Paint to put images, Pixrl for making them compatible in the game and small changes) but i'm having some troubles

1. Ganon's Face looks blurry, dunno why

2. I'm having problem texturing,i did a small test putting a text in some zones, but i think that some part may look backwards, can someone help me??

Here's how i will make everything

1st. Peanut Head texture

2. Class-D and Scientists

3. Decals, and symbols

4. 895 Pics

5. Items

6. Menu

7. Apache Texture (the hard textures last

8. Larry texture and 372

9. Master (682) Arm texture, guard and MTF texture and DUCKIE :D

10. All other textures
WOOMY! *squid glibberish*
my water changed to this form by boiling, extensively used for the generation of mechanical power, for heating purposes, etc.