Re: Post your SCP WIP's here.

Ah, it's an item assumed to be safe but turned out to be deadly and hard to track down when released, nice job Omniary. I look forward to head explosions. On the matter of exploding heads, do the victim's heads actually explode or do they have some sort of ultra stroke?
Atheros drivers SUCK!

Re: Post your SCP WIP's here.

Note that I don't intend to post this onto the site. I just like making these for fun. That doesn't mean that I'm not open for tips for improvement.

Item #: SCP-XXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Assigned personnel are to search online literature sites for instances of SCP-XXX. All found instances of SCP-XXX are to be reported for deletion on grounds of copyright. Instances of SCP-XXX that are selected for testing are to be copied onto a password locked text file on computer A-55. When not out for testing, computer A-55 is to be kept in a secured electronics storage area. Access to computer A-55 is restricted to personnel of level 3 status and up.

Description: SCP-XXX is the Foundation name given to a second-person story published on online literature sites titled 'the moon sings for you'. Instances of SCP-XXX are 1577 words in length with the exception of an author's note found in some instances of SCP-XXX. In these cases, instances of SCP-XXX are 1595 words in length (see Addendum for context of author's note).

The following paragraph is a synopsis of SCP-XXX.

The story takes place in a forest at night time. The narrator describes the reader walking around the forest out of boredom when they stop in a clearing and and look up at the moon. The moon is described as being at its first quarter phase. The narrator then describes the moon suddenly turning into its full phase. The readers is described to be left uneasy by the phase shift. The moon is then described to begin to grow eyes and a mouth mentioned to have yellowed, crooked teeth. The moon begins to sing the common American version of 'Ring a Ring o' Roses' for the rest of the story. The song, written in lyric form, repeats itself 11 times.

SCP-XXX's anomalous properties will only manifest if a sapient being with knowledge of the English language views SCP-XXX from the screen of an electronic device. Exactly 1 hour, 13 minutes and 23 seconds after the reader finishes reading SCP-XXX, they will begin to suffer from its effects. Effects of SCP-XXX include the inability of one to sleep, regardless of the usage of sleep-inducing drugs/remedies, constant headaches that are not effected by the consumption of painkillers, numbness in multiple parts of the body, varying in location with each case, increased anxiety when visual contact is made with the moon in its full phase, including photographs and artist's depictions of it, the recollection of past events that are described as being completely forgotten about before remembered and a moderate increase in stress and blood pressure.

Effects of SCP-XXX wear off exactly 56 hours, 27 minutes and 48 seconds after symptoms begin to manifest. All affected subjects make an instantaneous full recovery from SCP-XXX's effects.

All instances of SCP-XXX are written in English and are published by authors under the usernames of 'Lover230', 'DarkAvril', and 'imgonnatryitout'. Accounts that publish instances of SCP-XXX are capable of negating site servers by creating multiple accounts of the same name on the same site if banned and will post multiple instances of SCP-XXX onto the same account. All attempts to contact authors publishing instances of SCP-XXX have been unsuccessful; all messages sent to these accounts are seemingly ignored. All reviews posted for instances of SCP-XXX will not appear, despite the confirmation of it being posted.

As of 9/8/13, 55 instances of SCP-XXX have been located on 12 different literature sites, 10 of which contained an author's note.

Addendum: Author's note found in certain instances of SCP-XXX.

author's note: i would have written more, but i'm not feeling it too much with this story once i look at it. oh well. hope you liked it.