Stuff that blew your mind about the Foundation

For the foundation to accept that something could actually just make our whole Universe nonexisent blew my mind. They even gave it a name: ZK Reality Failure

It's like saying "Hey, the Universe might end, but don't worry, we deal with this stuff every day. Evil tomatoes, ancient star gods, it's our thing, y'know?"

Anyone else read something on the wiki that was just so awesome you had to talk about it?

Re: Stuff that blew your mind about the Foundation

How real it sounds, how devoted its fans are, how rough the criticisms can be, SCP 682, 106, 860, 857, Dr Clefs Proposal for SCP-001, 343, 513, 610, 772, 882, 529, 079, 073, 076, SCP 343 and 682 together, Treats, 682 Experiment Log, 096, 096 logs, 420-J, 728-J, 999-J, 173-J, DrBrights profile pic, List of Things Dr Bright Isn't Allowed to do
When going into the unknown, always know what you know abouts what's not known about the unknown known.