New SCP's

I thought up some SCP's. Tell me what you think.
Item #: SCP-1328

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1328 is to be contained on a string suspended from a ceiling of a 2x2x2 (meters) concrete room. Any duplicated instances of the string are to be disposed of as soon as possible to prevent “flooding” the containment chamber. When experimentation is executed, the D-Class must be accompanied by another D-Class who is given a disposal device. When an object is duplicated, the clone must be destroyed unless told otherwise.

Any human duplicated by the subject must be stamped with a signature stamp and be assigned to Class-D personnel. If the one in question does not comply, the Class-D shall be terminated. If the clone believes it is the real person and doesn’t comply as well, a lie-detector test will be given, followed by termination if classified as a lie.

Description: SCP-1328 is a calendar of varying colors for each month. On the back, it states that all rights are reserved to “Doctor Wondertainment ©”. No year is listed on the calendar, nor any holidays. The calendar seems to be impossible to write upon. The days are listed as if it were the very first year Ana Domini.

When the subject comes in physical contact with an object for longer than a minute, a duplication will come out of the given object, “like a ghost,” further on known as SCP-1328-1. It shows no abnormalities and/or differences to the original. A theory has been given that based upon the ability to copy so fast, the object was taken from exactly 1.8214 seconds. This has been confirmed as a small sentence in the form of a document was downloaded onto a computer in exactly 1 second. The copy had no document memory.

When the subject is turned to a page before the current month, the one who does so will be taken back in time exactly one month from then. The experience is explained as an immediate transportation, but they remember more about the travel (including every detail of what happened in between current time and the day they’ve been transported to). When the subject is turned to a page after the current month, then they’ll be taken forward into time. The experience is the same, but the person will appear in a random spot in their general area. If another object is already in the appearing point, then the one who appears is embedded into the object.

During or after transportation, the “time traveler” may enter a different realm. The Pocket Dimension is one of the many realms they could appear in. This is believed to be due to interdimensional connections.

Incident E-1328-1: An instance of SCP-1328 was taken from a past time. The copy was placed atop the subject. The instances started to duplicate, and eventually the containment was breached and the copies flow while continuously cloning themselves. Multiple Euclid-class SCPs escaped containment and some were cloned. All copies of any SCP including SCP-1328 copies were terminated.
Item #: SCP-1977

Object Class: Safe Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1977 is to be placed in a 2x2x2 (mi) steel chamber that is then slathered with padding on the outside. The entrance is to have 5 large vault doors, and when using, one must consult the surveillance tapes before and after entrance. If at any time SCP-1977 should show production of brainwaves, stay close to or exit through the vault doors immediately.

Description: SCP-1977’s form is unpredictable, but his main form is a 12 year old caucasian male weighing 78 lbs. and 5,1 in height. It grasped the Foundation’s attention after an incident in James ███████’s (deceased) household (See Recovery Log).

SCP-1977 is creative, and he uses this ability to his advantage. His thoughts become a reality if he wants the designated thought to be “released” from his mind. Samples of his creations have been taken, but no abnormalities are found unless it was something that never existed in the first place.

SCP-1977 is a very intelligent and a co-operational SCP. In fact, he can assist with other SCP’s. But SCP-1977 has some uncontrollable thoughts that cause Keter-like anomalies, including Containment Breaches. Although SCP-1977 has this attribute, he is considered by Dr.█████ as “quite nice”. However, SCP-1977 also has emotional outbursts when reminded about what the foundation does to SCP’s.

Recovery Log: SCP-1977 was recovered in the household of James ███████. Subject produces a leaflet with the details about the event that occurred that drew our attention. SCP-1977 replies “read it and take me already.”

I have entered the household for revenge on a life-long enemy. He attempted to take me away from my family, rob a bank, kill my mother, etc. He was rapping. So happily. So happy he was. Then I took him by the neck and I bashed his face onto the wall. Exactly 12 ounces of blood came out. It wasn’t enough. I thought about how much damage I could do if I was strong. Then I punched him in the stomach. It made a hole in his stomach. Out came most of the blood. Some bones popped out. He vomited. Still alive, I slowly ripped out all of his internal organs. Including his tongue and teeth. He vomited again, this time it was all blood. Finally, I spread out his stomach hole, and extended both of my arms. His torso split open and collapsed on his lower remains. He started twitching. I took his heart, and forced him to eat it. He died.

So happy.

So happy I was.
I'm sure I'll make more.
Last edited by UnknownGlaze on Fri May 17, 2013 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: New SCP's

I would suggest that instead of referring to SCPs as "he/she", you use "it" or "the subject".

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: New SCP's

Alright, first off " like a ghost, just doesn't sound like foundation writing. However, I like the idea of a calendar SCP. Second, on the 2nd scip, I doubt a man could work his jaw, let alone eat his heart, after getting his head bashed in, and his torso torn in half. I'd focus more on the first one for now, cause humanoid scips are criticized a lot harder. Also the "time traveler" should be called something else, more... official. Also if 1977 is as intelligent as you say, then his letter should be less... juvenile, you say he has many forms, so he's not a little boy I imagine, so I don't see why he acts like one. Also say or [Redact] where James's house is located, and I'd make the recovery end in a doctors note or something, it shouldn't end with the letter and say nothing else.
Just trying to give some helpful criticism, good luck with the posts.

Re: New SCP's

Yeah, the first one's writing style doesn't seem to fit exactly with SCP-style documentation. Anyways, I like the ideas and there is a lot of creativity, but brace yourself from an inevitable storm of criticism on the actual Foundation hub.
"Yes, it's a goddamn nuke, but if 682 survives and adapts we'd be boned beyond belief."

Re: New SCP's

scpharrisee wrote:Yeah, the first one's writing style doesn't seem to fit exactly with SCP-style documentation. Anyways, I like the ideas and there is a lot of creativity, but brace yourself from an inevitable storm of criticism on the actual Foundation hub.
I think I probably should've said "what if this thing did this", because I didn't realize all the mistakes I made in these. lol

I'll try to clean these up. (\ .3. /)

Re: New SCP's

UnknownGlaze wrote:
scpharrisee wrote:Yeah, the first one's writing style doesn't seem to fit exactly with SCP-style documentation. Anyways, I like the ideas and there is a lot of creativity, but brace yourself from an inevitable storm of criticism on the actual Foundation hub.
I think I probably should've said "what if this thing did this", because I didn't realize all the mistakes I made in these. lol

I'll try to clean these up. (\ .3. /)
No problem haha. Better to get feedback here than feedback there :P
"Yes, it's a goddamn nuke, but if 682 survives and adapts we'd be boned beyond belief."

Re: New SCP's

scpharrisee wrote:
UnknownGlaze wrote:
scpharrisee wrote:Yeah, the first one's writing style doesn't seem to fit exactly with SCP-style documentation. Anyways, I like the ideas and there is a lot of creativity, but brace yourself from an inevitable storm of criticism on the actual Foundation hub.
I think I probably should've said "what if this thing did this", because I didn't realize all the mistakes I made in these. lol

I'll try to clean these up. (\ .3. /)
No problem haha. Better to get feedback here than feedback there :P
True, Foundation members are... Harsh to say the least.

Re: New SCP's

The first SCP you wrote was actually a very interesting read. I liked how it can cause a chain reaction with a duplication process if screwed with or not cleaned after experimentation. The second SCP made me wonder why was it classified as safe in the first place. The recovery document at the end was brutal. I liked it though.
Sometimes i need to know when to stop so i dont get my ass handled