What is the most dangerous SCP of all

just wondering, in your opinion what is the most dangerous scp that can cause destruction on global scale.

i think scp 079 because, scp 079 can destroy our electronic system, and he might control all war vehicle and he might detonate all warhead. plus, scp 682 trust him.
Furries and FnaF fan must be terminated to avoid incident-[REDACTED]
- DR.Yonzo

Re: What is the most dangerous SCP of all

It's hard to say, really. SCP-055 could be the most dangerous for all we know, as we cannot remember details about it. SCP-579 is apparently so dangerous they expunged the whole description. SCP-1548 is a sentient star that will cause mass destruction when it arrives here. And that's just to name a few. There are a lot of SCPs that could cause end of the world scenarios if not dealt with properly.

Re: What is the most dangerous SCP of all

Theimperfectbeing wrote:It's hard to say, really. SCP-055 could be the most dangerous for all we know, as we cannot remember details about it. SCP-579 is apparently so dangerous they expunged the whole description. SCP-1548 is a sentient star that will cause mass destruction when it arrives here. And that's just to name a few. There are a lot of SCPs that could cause end of the world scenarios if not dealt with properly.
scp 055 is not dangerous since there is no death linked with that scp. scp 1548 is op as fuck and he may destroy earth easily
Furries and FnaF fan must be terminated to avoid incident-[REDACTED]
- DR.Yonzo

Re: What is the most dangerous SCP of all

I'm not entirely up to date on all the scps. There are over 3000 of them after all. So, I'm not exactly sure what ones would be considered the most dangerous. I'm sure there are plenty though. I'll have to look through them again.

Want to know what Scp from the list sticks out the most in my memory though? Not because of being dangerous, since she isn't; but rather because I feel sorry for her.
SCP-2118. Not sure why. Maybe it's because of not only the info, but the "interviews" I've read connected to the article.

Dr.: Hello, SCP-2118.
SCP 2118: That's not my name.
Dr.: It is now.

SCP 2118: (After one of the tests) I hate this place. I want to go home.

Poor thing. :(