Unable to download V0.6.6 (WTF?)

So I have been around and fully aware of version 0.6.6 although I didn't feel like downloading sense nothing much was changed about it. Although today when I went to download it I clicked the mirror link but it would not download. The waiting bar popped up at the bottom but nothing else. So I sat there waiting for like 40 seconds for the thing to download just to realize that the fucking thing wasn't going to download. After than I raped the mirror link with my cursor and it still would not download. So now I'm typing this in need of assistance from foundation personal. I wanna download this bitch.
Sometimes i need to know when to stop so i dont get my ass handled


Re: Unable to download V0.6.6 (WTF?)

Soulzarath wrote:
Gogert777 wrote:Do you have fios?
No, time warner cable.


I tried it again. It still doesn't work. Any help?
Maybe that's what you get if you don't download the update on the day the version is uploaded :p
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: Unable to download V0.6.6 (WTF?)

Soulzarath wrote:
hug0905 wrote: Maybe that's what you get if you don't download the update on the day the version is uploaded :p
Ha yeah probably. It's not big deal though I'll just wait for the next version to release. :P
it maybe a long time though, because the creator of scp containment breach is doing miltary service.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: Unable to download V0.6.6 (WTF?)

hug0905 wrote:
Soulzarath wrote:
hug0905 wrote: Maybe that's what you get if you don't download the update on the day the version is uploaded :p
Ha yeah probably. It's not big deal though I'll just wait for the next version to release. :P
it maybe a long time though, because the creator of scp containment breach is doing miltary service.
Oh dude good for him. Well that's fine I then there's other things I can do other than CB. Ty though.
Sometimes i need to know when to stop so i dont get my ass handled