A new, Semi-Whitelisted, Semi-Serious/Serious Roleplay Community: Theta Null!

Welcome to THETA NULL, a new roleplay server spawned from the love of a few buddies of the game Barotrauma. Our mission is to revive, new and improved, a server that used to exist but is long gone now. We wish to continue that server's legacy, where we can provide a safe and serious roleplay environment for all walks of people. Regardless of your skill level, literacy, etc, you will be given a fair place in our friendly server.
We are just starting, from the interest to revive our old server, so our Discord server has JUST been created!
We're looking for the first members who will help us expand and grow, and of course iron out the early troubles. Your feedback as the first people here is extremely valuable, and we're looking for it.

We are not concretely semi-serious or whitelisted, it's simply being tested out. Our thinking is that during private, passworded roleplay nights we will be serious in-character, and people will need special verifications--which they can get from filling out a short application--to play certain roles.

If this community interests you, feel free to give us a shot, we would love to have you! Our Discord invite code is: https://discord.gg/AupdJcw