Re: Barotrauma Clans - UCN

Given the lack of interest, the lack of cooperation and the lack of time, energy and willpower to continue carrying this mantle by myself, I figured I'd dump everything here and be done with it. Maybe somebody else can use it, someday, somewhere.

Official UCN Training Materials - Ops Manual, Crew Training and Testing, Training Roster

Official UCN Modpack - New sounds, music, graphics; valid for v.

Modpack Backup Restore - To revert the UCN Modpack, v.
"I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harm's way."


United Colonies Navy Ship Pack - UPDATED: 28 MAY 18
The Sailor's Manual - UPDATED: 1 JUNE 18

Re: Barotrauma Clans - UCN

To be honest, I never looked too deeply into this as a whole because I assumed that there'd be plenty of people already interested in this sort of thing and that you'd have an abundance of people willing to join. (I thought the majority of the people interested contacted you via PMs) Although I personally see Barotrauma as something closer to a slowish, relaxing game (in comparison to something such as Dwarf Fortress, where frustration and tension rises quickly) and enjoy that aspect of it quite a bit, I see plenty of merit in the intended, more serious ambience of the deep sea (similar to that of Fallen London/Sunless Sea.)

So, assuming it is not too late, I'd be more than willing to help in anyway I can, be it simply participating in the games or otherwise, because I believe that especially with the next update of multiple subs, groups like this'll make the game quite a bit more fun for many people. Albeit I'm only available to play on weekends. I also feel like apologizing for only offering this after you announced that you've given up; Either you make a miraculous return, or the group stays dead, either situation isn't too fantastic. But as I said, I'd very much like this to be a thing, if not for my own enjoyment but to expand the community of the game.

Re: Barotrauma Clans - UCN

To a great extent, the community already made their position known. There isn't much to be done after that. The soul of this game is the crew. No crew, no game.

If anyone does happen to get some kind of half-decent group together, I wouldn't mind helping out. But otherwise I'm through.
"I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harm's way."


United Colonies Navy Ship Pack - UPDATED: 28 MAY 18
The Sailor's Manual - UPDATED: 1 JUNE 18