Server stuff| Admins | Console | Commands | More.

Okay so I got some Ideas for the game, since I recently hosted my own server.

The ability to have more admins on the server.

The ability to spawn items as an admin.

A white-list

Make accounts to people don't copy names.

A gui like Console, so I can run my server without having to play the game.

Commands to help players out.

Anything to help out the Server admins.. it could be very helpful, right now its very stressful dealing with the complaining.

Thanks for reading.

Re: Server stuff| Admins | Console | Commands | More.

Don't need to post the same thread twice. Clever_Seas, i locked this one for you and the one in Collaboration is still open.
stankdad1967 wrote:oh look another thread by an autist who wants to ban 90% of the people who join his game

maybe you should go cry on /v/ about it ?__?
Banned. You joined just to chase an user about.

roger copy bravo tango mango