Re: Introduce yourself thread

HI! As you can tell I am new here :twisted: and to me the SCP foundation universe is something I would really enjoy getting extensively involved in :106: ... anyway enough of he quirky introduction, I am a great fan of most indie games... so long as they are well made
Damn you Radical Larry!!!!!!!!!

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hello everybody! My name is I'mNotBlappy and I'm currently working on SCP:Containment Breach with MLP mod,together with a bunch of other guys.
I am friends with PrincessLuna.
My interest is to sit down here and watch you all posting replies in the forums....
I'm done,I'm really done here for now.Screw this bullshit that I'm getting from other people.I can't tolerate this anymore,and I'll fuck off from now.

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hello. I'm 3rlite, AKA Younes IRL. I love gaming. SCP is one of my favorite horror games. Trying (yes, trying) to learn C++. Oh, did I say that I am french. I learned english in England. I play on Steam, if you want to play TF2, Garry's Mod, Counter Strike GO or Terraria, contact me. Anyway, just registered. It's been 2 years that I play SCP and I like how they add SCPs in nearly all versions. Great job guys :D .
Maybe working on a SCP project.

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hello everybody! My name is Mr.Shy Guy and I'm a new user ( :D ), I love horror games (expecially SCP:C.B. obviously...) and doing nothing all the day!
I like classic and chiptune music and today I'm really happy: FINALLY SCP:C.B. is no longer slow on my PC, with the new update I can play it without problems! :)
I hope I will have fun here! ( and with the game too... :P )
:173: :106: <Please, give us a hug!)
:096: <Do you think my face is ugly? RHAAAAAR!! )
:049: <I sense the Desease in you! Take a nap and you'll get better...)

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hello, everyone!
My name is GhostFX, like my nick says. I'm Russian guy from Kazakhstan (Yup, that's right). I’m working in web developments. My hobbies are find and solve intricate tasks and play in games ‘course.
Russian community of this brilliant game have more that 10 000 members (officially, 20 000 unofficially). So, we are trying making localization from English to Russian of this game for all members of Russian community. And due to the fact that much of text information is an images (documents, labels) I ask to help us. We are looking for .psd's for some documents and labels.
Here the list:
docAC.jpg aka Burnt Note
docL3.jpg aka Blood-stained Note
docL4.jpg aka Dr. L's Burnt Note
docL5.jpg aka Dr L's Burnt Note (one of them)
docL6.jpg aka Scorched Note
docMSP.jpg aka ? (no in game, but it will be? Anyway, I need that logo with hammer)
docMTF.jpg aka Mobile Task Forces (that logo with fist)
docNDP.jpg aka Nuclear Device Document (not so important, but if psd is exist, so)
docORI.jpg aka Class D Orientation Leaflet
docRAND3.jpg aka Document
All key-cards
Decals from pocket dimension
Signs from GFX\map folder (background of them)
Labels of SCP containment chambers(label008, label012, etc.)
miscsigns.jpg, miscsigns2.jpg, miscsigns3.jpg from DFX\map folder
079_computer_1.jpg and 079_computer_2.jpg
914labels 914panel
Text and graph translation is first step. Then we will do audio.
Links or hints about how to get these treasures in PM, please.
With best wishes, Ghost.