Re: Introduce yourself thread

Ah well my user name Vaterland means Fatherland in German, ill explain more on that later.

When I first played SCP:CB I was very timid and usually quit because of my fear of being jump scared, but I slowly desensitized and I am able to play the game and run around without much fear.

I am a fanatic of WW2 mainly in Europe but some Pacific as well. I like the German war engineering, national pride, and tactics like the blitzkrieg during WW2. I believe they could have "won" or at least prolonged the war further than it ended if the German high command made wiser decisions and also didn't bite off more than they could chew. I do not and will never support anything close to fascist ideals or anything supporting the holocaust in any way.

Re: Introduce yourself thread

(OMG, my first post, i'm so exited!)
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night/space/bacon/cookies/shit/other (underline the correct, write the missing). I am Niikiitaa03 (so original nickname...). I'm 14 years old guy from Belarus. English isn't my native language, sorry for my mistakes with articles, prepositions and other. I've been playing SCPCB for a long time now, then I decided to join this forum. So, once again, Hi bros!
And, Serimah, what do you mean about
Serimah wrote:BEING DIRTY?
You are like an annoying house fly! Buzz buzz buzzbuzz- Slap! It's time to swap the fly!

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Hi everyone!

I am 25 years old, male and from Germany. I live in Hamburg, which is one of the major big cities of Germany. I am studying at the HAW Hamburg something called "Media Systems" and try to become a Game Designer with an emphasis on Story writing and 3D Design. The Horror genre is something I love in almost every Form. Let it be Movies, TV Shows or Video Games, if they have a horror theme, I love'em xD. The SCP Containment Breach is a fresh and welcome new sight for the Indie Horror Games out there and I am completely fascinated by all the different reports inside the SCP Wiki. The SCP CB is also my main reason for starting my own YouTube channel, where I even composed a Song for the game (Link is in my signature) :)

I've always been a passionate Gamer and I'd even say that games formed me to what I am today. I personally think that some of the best games were released on the SNES, but I enjoy the way how Indie Games can stick to there own thoughts without being under pressure by publishers.
Let's Sing a Song! SCP Containment Breach Song! The End is Nigh! (REMASTERED)
Let's Sing a Song! Lyrahel - Certain Enemy!
Games in Time on Facebook!

Re: Introduce yourself thread

Okay, me too

I'm Garbo, a male teenager from Barcelona. It's been a year since I started playing SCP:CB and I discovered the forums.
These forums also help me to improve my English, which isn't as good as it should be (Actually here in Spain I've got a very nice English compared to my classmates...)

I like war games based in the strategy, such as StarWars:Battlefront(and II), Codename:Panzers, Imperium Civitas or Battlefield1942 and 3.

I also really like to learn. I think that at the school the teachers are affraid to teach us more and show us how to make things, so I decided to learn by my way. I've learned VB.NET and I'm trying to learn Java (I'm only doing this since February, so I haven't got time to learn a lot (although I'm quite proud how fast I learnt VB)), but I'm looking a way to learn electronics (so if someone has a book or links to videos or pages, please PM me :P).

I'm a big fan of WWII too.
The man of my avatar is Joan Pujol, also known as Garbo (by the allies) or Arabel (by the germans). He was a WWII spy and was very important at the Normandy landings.

Also, my computer is a crap laptop.

Re: Introduce yourself thread

garbo wrote:These forums also help me to improve my English, which isn't as good as it should be
Same with me. Well, I hope so. It is not so easy for me to speak English as good, as I speak Russian, because Russian is my native language. But I think that this forum will help me with this, as Garbo said. Hmm... I'd better have some tea.
You are like an annoying house fly! Buzz buzz buzzbuzz- Slap! It's time to swap the fly!

Re: Introduce yourself thread


I'm Snowshi, I'm a 17 year old female and I live in the US. Despite being a fan of SCP: CB for about a year, I've only just recently started playing it myself. Horror games are mostly what I play, although I do play others.
I'm currently in high school, and my college plans are to study to become a neurosurgeon. Occasionally I will make pixel art in my (rare) free time.

I've also been known to buy electronics that are pieces of crap.
"The SCP Foundation stands for Secure, Contain, and Protect. Not for Destroy, Destroy, Destroy."





Re: Introduce yourself thread

(I'm just gonna do this because I'm bored)
Hello, my name is MrGuilkeyFace. You can call me Jackson, Jack, or anything along those lines. I am 13 and live in Columbus Ohio, where I go to middle school and procrastinate quite alot. I have been into SCP:CB for just over a year, and I have made many friends on the forums who are very supportive and kind to me. One of my talents is playing piano, of which I have been taking lessons for 10 years of my life. Due to my procrastination I almost never practice and therefore I suck at it. I like many kinds of music that go from classical to death metal. On another note, I collect old computers and other technology just to take them apart and screw around with them.
I like to voice act. I am currently voicing the MTF's on the MLP mod. (Yes, I am a brony)
I love bacon and all sorts of food, therefore I am a cute chubby fellow. (huehuehue)
And thats about it.


I LOVE PORTAL!!!!!1one!!!!1!

Re: Introduce yourself thread

I guess I could put something here...

Hello all, my name is Jesse Ludtke (call me whatever you like) and I'm from BC Canada. I'm currently 17 and will be going to university for computer science this coming semester. I started playing CB last November, though since January, most of that time has been dedicated to working on it. The majority of my work is console and bug related, as I'm not artistically inclined. I suck at bios...

Welcome to the forums.
M-x dingus-mode

Re: Introduce yourself thread

I'm destructoid. I like ponies, video games, porn and horror. My dream is to work in the video game industry but since it'll be bloated with people in the future that's unlikely. I'm a film fanatic and I've got a knack for horror and action. I'm addicted to dota2 so add me on steam if you want. Destructoid17.
Atheros drivers SUCK!