Re: Containment Breach Unity Edition (2016) - Indev build 1 is out! (10.13.16)

zornor90 wrote:New build coming soon! I'm adding some things such as a better godmode and noclip as well as a slew of bufixes. Also started making my own models, rebuilt the door with correctly mapped textures. 173 has had some optimizations as well.

I think that the next major task I will perform, in addition to just updating rooms, is importing SCP: 1499. This will allow me to test several things:

1) IEquippable system for equipping and unequipping the mask.
2) Dimension system for loading and unloading dimensions. This will involve:
  • Disabling and enabling pathfinding grids
    Disabling and enabling pickups
    Disabling and enabling AI units
    Changing lighting on dimension switch
3) Lots of multiple pathfinding units

I am also going to be adding two more assets to the project:
Leantween for animations
Master Audio: AAA sounds for audio. The most important feature of this package is that it can do sound occlusion, to block sounds from going through walls. it has a lot of other cool features as well, such as dampening other sounds when an explosion happens for instance! This should make the game a lot more immersive.

And the console package that I use is upgrading to a new version soon! It looks like it will come with a lot of performance and usability upgrades.

A lot of good stuff in the pipeline. Please continue to let me know how the game feels and plays, the more user testing I can gather now the better I can design the remake. Thanks so much!
Sounds great!

Re: Containment Breach Unity Edition (2016) - Indev build 1 is out! (10.13.16)

Indev v0.2 released!

Better 173 sight detection
Previously, 173 would only be seen some of the time. Not enough points were being sampled, the points that were sampled were sampled incorrectly, and a lot of garbage was generated by allocating / unallocating lists constantly.
The new method uses a single array that is only allocated once for zero garbage generation. It also correctly samples the corners and center of the collider. There are still a couple of issues but overall it feels a lot more stable. Let me know what you think!

Better / more console commands
Added commands for noclip, godmode, and listing commands. Commands are listed when first opening the console.

More rooms! Better rooms!
Added some hallways. Getting close to all rooms from light containment being in the game, aside from what I don't have access to yet. Also went through and I'm pretty sure all rooms have lighting and doors now. Fixed some broken rooms as well. And added actual doors that have two sliding panels based on the original containment breach doors!

Lots of stability and performance fixes
Fixed some visual bugs, colliders missing, and other things that I was able to catch. Thanks to those who have provided input so far!

Upgraded event system
Restructured event system so that now events can have condition hierachies, where one condition might be evaluated and then if that one is true, several result blocks will then be evaluated. This lets things like different sounds play at different distances from 173, even though all of those sound result blocks depend on the condition = "SCP173" being true to be evaluated at all.

Pause menu
You can now quit the game or restart it without having to press alt+f4. This is a highly advanced feature made only possible on the unity engine...(probably should have added it first)

Full Changelog:
Custom Editor for AudioCache
CheckParamValue condition, which can check and compare the values of primitive fields in game event messages. This is huge as any field can be tracked, as long as it is primitive.
RandomChance condition
DistanceFromPlayerToObject condition, to evaluate a distance between the player and some object, found by name.
Pathing colliders to lockroom to keep 173 from phasing through walls diagonally into inescapable areas
Added pathing colliders and lights to room4_opt
Added pathfinding grid to room4_opt walkway for npc events
Created GameInProgress flag inside the engine, which returns if the game is in any state considered "gameplay".
Added a couple more loading screens
Added flag "disableBackground" to loadingScreenData

Added console commands "enable173" and "disable173"
Added console command "godmode" for super fast sprint
Fixed door collider not being wide enough to block player from "seeing" 173 through doors
Fixed wall colliders in 173_opt blocking the player from clicking the button on the outside!
TriggeredEvent system refactored. Now uses ResultBlocks so that conditions can depend on other conditions without having to write a separate event for each one. Eg, 173 Jumpscare first ensures that the NPC seen is 173. Then, the inner result blocks do different sounds depending on what the distance is.
Changed a lot of scriptable objects to just use the name field instead of a separate field for name
AudioCache now auto-loads music and sounds from a list of folder names inside Resources/Sounds
LookEventHandler destroys look object when player blinks, so that 173 can player super scary noise when the player opens eyes again even if looking at it previously
GameUI now has different input logic depending on the game state
Door now looks much closer to how it should. Just needs normal maps
Rebuilt store room (room2closets) in blender, added flipped normals to ceilings to block lights as well as ensured that objects were correctly separated.
Refactored doors with new methods OnDoorOpen / OnDoorClose. Changed portal generation so that doors only generate portals when the doors are completely open, and destroy the portal immediately upon closing the door. In addition, doors cannot be interacted with while opening or closing.
Engine just resets game services on restart instead of destroying then creating them.
Set time to default time variable instead of magic number
Reduced draw distance for player camera from 1000m to 100m inside of facility. This reduced the render thread, in some cases halving it from 10ms to 5ms / frame.
Rebuilt scp-012 room in blender to assign names to all model parts and make it easier to work with, fixed door being blocked off
Blocked vent off from skybox and added lighting to 173_opt, fixed light bleed from other room due to lights being in ceiling

Fixed bug with inventory / codex breaking on game restart
Player can no longer sprint while crouching
Godmode just continuously sets the sprint timer to max rather than increasing it, fixing sprint UI display bug as well as avoiding sprint not working when exhausted
Fixed errors reloading UI when resetting the game by having Inventory UI controllers check if GameInProgress
Fixed PlayerCamera.CheckObjectBlocked destroying the look object if any rays are blocked. We only want to destroy look object if ALL rays are blocked, otherwise we will constantly be "surprised" by 173 even when it hasn't gone out of view.
Added checks during map generation to see if the current room has placed a door already in addition to that room's neighbor. Seems to fix issues with multiple doors spawning in the same spot
Fixed 173 containment room not having collider under stairs
Fixed floor colliders that were too low in some rooms
Fixed events triggering when the game is paused
Link here. Thanks to everyone who's tested it out so far! Once again, let me know about any bugs you find, quirks you encounter, as well as your thoughts regarding 173's visibility detection and movement.