Re: Sights that have rustled your jimmies the most so far

So i got able to get to the Dr's rooms, and i got the Dr. Harp code, so i entered his office. Got the 106 incident and started reading. 40 seconds later, i could hear 106 spawning. Where? RIGHT BELOW ME.

And thus, my jimmies were badly rustled, and took 4 days to unrustle them...
One day, on Steam..

Code: Select all

26 Fe + Mexican food =: lets see if you're oh so mister oh so smart
26 Fe + Mexican food =: who am i
ShadowDust: IronFajitas
26 Fe + Mexican food =: fuck
ShadowDust: *flies away*

Re: Sights that have rustled your jimmies the most so far

Waiting for a Larry spawn only to get a 173 spawn in the maintenance tunnel, then a 106 spawn on my other side so I'm trapped.
Watching 096 on the monitor only to have a wild Larry appear.
Ceiling Larry
096 Chasing me in the tunnels
173 Catwalk Spawn
106 Spawn under me
Trapped in a lockroom then having 173 come in.
When going into the unknown, always know what you know abouts what's not known about the unknown known.


Re: Sights that have rustled your jimmies the most so far

Niborius wrote:
...My upcoming video (ok ok I used the source code to make a command that spawns SCP-096)
Oh my god I wanna see that so badly.

Also, try out the seed 'erisolfefetaspr'. YES, HOMESTUCK RELATED. Just try it. I think one of the keypad doors is bugged. The code is supposedly 9972 but the keypad does not take that code. The save.txt also says that's the code, so I dunno what's going on.

What DID rustle my jimmies was entering 096's chamber, not knowing what he was all about, looked at his face, then 106 spawns. I run towards the exist just to encounter 173 in one of the doors while an MTF unit awaits at the other door.

I ragescaredquitted.