Re: SCP Suggestions General

Destructoid wrote:I like 035 being in game. Perhaps you could find it's chamber and it's completely corroded and filled with blood, the bottom of the door being eaten through and such. I think you could encounter him later, though I would like if he weren't immediately hostile, as the guy above said, he would say he would "deal with you later" or he could say he's on his way out or something. I think he's the perfect opportunity to add a gory-ass room and a scary ass model.
Would he become hostile eventually? Personally, I think every SCP in-game should have the potential to kill you. (That's partly why I want 513 back instead of 372)

EDIT: First on page 56. I guess I'm a beautiful person. Score.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Perhaps if you got too close to him or encountered him more than a couple of times.
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Re: SCP Suggestions General

035, seems legit. But, why would he eliminate you if you are trying to achieve the same thing? I really don't think many of the sentient SCPs would kill you, especially when they can just follow you to the surface.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

I just want a third "wandering" SCP to run from. SCP-106 is just too easy to do away with, especially sense you almost always end up right in front of his containment chamber after exiting the PD. And SCP-173 get's too easy to avoid after a while, I'm not even scared of the server rooms any more. Well... except when he climbs on top of the servers, that's just not natural.

What would really make me want to kiss my laptop is if the next addition kills those stupid MTF soldiers, they're just so broken.
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Re: SCP Suggestions General

106 should put MTFs as a higher priority than you. The MTFs right now tend to walk into walls and do idiotic things still. 035 sounds like an interesting addition too.
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Re: SCP Suggestions General

Destructoid wrote:106 should put MTFs as a higher priority than you. The MTFs right now tend to walk into walls and do idiotic things still. 035 sounds like an interesting addition too.
It would be difficult to implement. There's no real way to have memetic hazards like SCP-035 that compel you to put them on in the game. Unless there's a scripted event that makes you walk to it and forces you to pick the mask up, which is a guaranteed death sentence.

Also, idea. When SCP-106 is in close proximity to an MTF soldier, they'll throw a gas grenade down and retreat (in reality, the room will just burst with black smoke momentarily and the MTF will de-spawn) leaving you with irritated eyes and SCP-106.

Also, if SCP-682 is just too difficult to implement in the game, I'd suggest SCP-517 as a suitable replacement.

I'd also like to suggest SCP-847. We can all agree that the protagonist in SCP:CB is probably male, so SCP-847 would be nothing more than a cameo appearance or a curiosity like SCP-895. The player would see several dead bodies and blood everywhere around SCP-847's chamber (female researchers obviously), making the player scared of what's nearby, when in reality, it's an inert mannequin. The player scares himself.
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Re: SCP Suggestions General

Virtus Tenebrae wrote:
Destructoid wrote:106 should put MTFs as a higher priority than you. The MTFs right now tend to walk into walls and do idiotic things still. 035 sounds like an interesting addition too.
It would be difficult to implement. There's no real way to have memetic hazards like SCP-035 that compel you to put them on in the game. Unless there's a scripted event that makes you walk to it and forces you to pick the mask up, which is a guaranteed death sentence.

Also, idea. When SCP-106 is in close proximity to an MTF soldier, they'll throw a gas grenade down and retreat (in reality, the room will just burst with black smoke momentarily and the MTF will de-spawn) leaving you with irritated eyes and SCP-106.

Also, if SCP-682 is just too difficult to implement in the game, I'd suggest SCP-517 as a suitable replacement.

I'd also like to suggest SCP-847. We can all agree that the protagonist in SCP:CB is probably male, so SCP-847 would be nothing more than a cameo appearance or a curiosity like SCP-895. The player would see several dead bodies and blood everywhere around SCP-847's chamber (female researchers obviously), making the player scared of what's nearby, when in reality, it's an inert mannequin. The player scares himself.

Yeah, I'm good with something like 847

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Wasn't 517 decommisioned for being a mary sue? I think 035 should already have a host when you encounter him strolling through the hallways. On the subject of 847, seeing a bunch of dead people and blood everywhere would certainly make the player uneasy, and probably moreso with the mannequin not even doing anything when he encounters it. I support all!
Atheros drivers SUCK!

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Destructoid wrote:Wasn't 517 decommisioned for being a mary sue? I think 035 should already have a host when you encounter him strolling through the hallways. On the subject of 847, seeing a bunch of dead people and blood everywhere would certainly make the player uneasy, and probably moreso with the mannequin not even doing anything when he encounters it. I support all!
I kind of figured 035 would be on a host. Once you put the mask on, it would be game over.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Destructoid wrote:Wasn't 517 decommisioned for being a mary sue?
Technically, it was archived. It's still probably the only thing that could replace SCP-682.

Also, I know Dr. Maruss suggested SCP-569 a while back, but it wasn't talked about at all. I happen to think it's a brilliant idea. A small handful of them would be floating around one of those huge empty chambers, floating above your head. However, if you sprint for one second or longer, they'll all hiss menacingly, turn to you, and spray you down. However, if you just tap the sprint button for less than a second, they'll hiss and turn, but will go back to their inert state after a moment of staring. They'd be easy to implement, some similar models with a few differing facial expressions and a single skull model. You'd only need to animate they're jaw and their switch between forms. I won't say I'm good with scripting, but noclip + whatever you used to let SCP-173 face you should suffice, right?
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