I had recently been playing SCP on a custom map I made. I thought it would be cool to record it and post it on YouTube. But now I am posting a video of a WTF moment. I had made room2servers right after start. I had waited a bit for SCP-096 :096: to kill the guard :twisted:. I then heard the starting door open and 3 guards just pooped out of the fucking Twilight Zone then killed me. Any explanations to this?

(Btw how do i put the video on here to share it??)
I have spoken to God.
He has abandoned us.

Re: OK- WTF?!

ROFLcopter wrote: (Btw how do i put the video on here to share it??)
Just click "Post Reply" on my post, copy the code for this embed, and paste it in your post.


For future reference, take the code from the video URL (In this case, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QfXTGQK8mg) and just use the jumble of letters ad numbers at the end (In this case, 2QfXTGQK8mg). Put that into the "youtube" code.
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP

Re: OK- WTF?!

The message at the beginning stated that the MTF's had entered the facility, so I guess they had to spawn somewhere. That just happened to be the starting room, I suppose.
Battling the forces of evil and stupidity~
I admire the horror genre like I admire women: From far away with a pair of binoculars