Re: SCP Suggestions General

Glitch wrote:
Well to rerail this, here are some SCP's I've suggested before/supported:
The only one that i think could be managed is 280. Because that will need the integration of a flashligth, and that could be REALLY USEFULL. but not one with batteries, the one with a crank generator (i dont know its name)
639 would give me a headache but it could work.
212 response would be to erratic at the time of surgery, like scp-294
But my fantasy is how could i use 914 in the flash light.
But i would love to talk again with 990, or have a little chat with Cassy or Mr.Forgetfull

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Astrogamer wrote:The only one that i think could be managed is 280. Because that will need the integration of a flashligth, and that could be REALLY USEFULL. but not one with batteries, the one with a crank generator (i dont know its name)
Mechanically powered
There was a discussion before about adding a flashlight, but I think it was generally disliked.
Astrogamer wrote:639 would give me a headache but it could work.
That's the idea my good sir
Astrogamer wrote:212 response would be to erratic at the time of surgery, like scp-294
Not necessarily, like 1025 it can have a set number of outcomes when used by the player.
I'm not here as much right now, mention me on our Discord server if you need anything.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Glitch wrote:
Astrogamer wrote:The only one that i think could be managed is 280. Because that will need the integration of a flashligth, and that could be REALLY USEFULL. but not one with batteries, the one with a crank generator (i dont know its name)
Mechanically powered
There was a discussion before about adding a flashlight, but I think it was generally disliked.
Astrogamer wrote:639 would give me a headache but it could work.
That's the idea my good sir
Astrogamer wrote:212 response would be to erratic at the time of surgery, like scp-294
Not necessarily, like 1025 it can have a set number of outcomes when used by the player.

1._ Then we need another way to distract or make 280 go away until we close some doors
2._ Forget about the disagreeing, i can just press the blink button until the headache and
earrape (actual term)
sound effect subsidies.
3._ We need to find the ways of how those outcomes can be trigered then

Re: SCP Suggestions General

SCP’s are the Bee’s Knees!
These are some ideas for SCP’s that might be implementable to add wider variety and more texture to the game. The majority of these are Safe, SCP’s.

I apologize in advance if any of these have been mentioned before.

SCP 126 – Invisible Friend
More for an unsettling factor to the player than anything else. In certain areas of the complex the player will hear disembodied footsteps (high heeled) moving around, and may occasionally be pushed/jostled by something unseen.

SCP 529- Josie the half a cat.
Save for the model I suspect she would be fairly simple to implement. The idea is mainly to add variety.

Behavior: Similar to the anomalous rubber duck, occasionaly appears in random areas. Will not appear in an area with hostile SCP’s, human guards and military don’t count.

Notes: If the player tries to interact with the SCP (pet it) it will elicit either a ‘Puuur’, or a hiss and a scratch for minor damage.

Child's Room:
This is not directly an SCP, but rather the room belonging to one of the child-form SCP’s of the developers choice, decorated with books, crayons and other children's objects.

Notes: I thought it might be eerie or unsettling for the player to be wandering this maze of solid unfriendly concrete, and then suddenly come upon a room fill with colorful children's paraphernalia. Even better if the lights cut out suddenly when the player enters, only to blink back on.

SCP 662 – Butler’s Hand Bell

(This is one of my favorite ideas, I hope people enjoy it, but if not I’ll understand.)
Found on Dr. Mirths desk

Behavoir: Can be picked up and carried by the player
--On use (ringing) of the bell, Mr. Deed’s appears directly behind the player saying ‘Yes Sir?’ (or some other line). I’m hoping the sudden voice from behind would freak the player out the first time.
--Mr. Deeds will not appear if there is a hostile SCP nearby or in the room
--If the player does not choose to interact with Mr. Deeds, but instead moves away from him, Mr. Deeds will despawn once the player has left the room.
--If the player chooses to interact with Mr. Deeds a dialogue choice list appears.

Dialogue choice list consists of one of each of three categories of requests (Useful, reasonable, unreasonable.) randomly chosen. And an exit command (‘nothing right now’)
Example of some request options (the requestable items can be increased or decreased at the descretion of the developer.)

Useful: Eyedrop, Battery, Medkit,
Reasonable: Sandwich, glass of soda, Fluffy towel
Reasonable items have no direct use for the player, and mostly add additional texture.
Unreasonable: Get me out of here, Get rid of/ trap SCP – XXX

--Once a request or exit command has been made Mr Deeds attempts to round a corner out of the players line of site.
--f there is no such corner he will exit through a door closing the door behind himself.
--If he cannot escape the players line of site within X timeframe he will stop moving and wait for the player to turn around or blink, and then disappear.
--Cooldown of X time begins.
--Once cooldown ends Mr. Deeds will, at some point, appear once again behind the player, this time holding a tray bearing the requested item.
--Again, Mr. Deeds will not appear in a room with Hostile SCP’s present.
--Mr. Deeds will then try to exit as before.
--If the player does not choose to interact/accept items from Mr. Deeds, but instead moves away from him, Mr. Deeds will disappear once the player has left the room.
--Begin second cool down on the bell. Mr. Deed’s cannot be summoned again(or the bell rung) until X time has passed.

SCP 023 – The Black Shuck
(The only hostile SCP I have an idea for.)
This is a sneak/ avoidance trial for the player.

Located in a tunnel network with a long main hallway leading up to the first bend (this is so the player can catch a glimpse of the creature in the distance to tell which direction it is going.)
The Black Shuck patrols the tunnel network (a series of crosses and bends) but never turns down the main hallway to the entrance.
The tunnel is very dark, almost black in some places. The player can pinpoint the direction / location of the black shuck by seeing glimpses of its hind-end, or side, or listening for the sound of heavy canine panting in the tunnels. Viewing the front of the Black Shuck (head on) initiates death count (which visibly displays on the screen)
I know it’s supposed to be a full year from then, but for game play it might be reasonable to shorten that so that a death of the player may occur in game. I Have a few other ideas for how to handle it but I won’t go into them unless the developer is actually interested.

Well there it is, what do you think?
~Bite the Lightning~

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Lexicon wrote:
Well there it is, what do you think?
I like that you are direct and to the point, this being your first post and you being new here. I was afraid that the 8.1 update only brought more retards and mentally deficients, but thankfully you prove to be otherwise. I think you have some pretty decent Ideas, maybe it could shed some light on more scp interaction that is friendly and deadly, lest what others say, I like a few of your ideas, so I want to hear what other people think before you have my total support. Thank you!-
The Red Menace

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Lexicon wrote:SCP’s are the Bee’s Knees!
These are some ideas for SCP’s that might be implementable to add wider variety and more texture to the game. The majority of these are Safe, SCP’s.

I apologize in advance if any of these have been mentioned before.

SCP 126 – Invisible Friend
More for an unsettling factor to the player than anything else. In certain areas of the complex the player will hear disembodied footsteps (high heeled) moving around, and may occasionally be pushed/jostled by something unseen.

SCP 529- Josie the half a cat.
Save for the model I suspect she would be fairly simple to implement. The idea is mainly to add variety.

Behavior: Similar to the anomalous rubber duck, occasionaly appears in random areas. Will not appear in an area with hostile SCP’s, human guards and military don’t count.

Notes: If the player tries to interact with the SCP (pet it) it will elicit either a ‘Puuur’, or a hiss and a scratch for minor damage.

Child's Room:
This is not directly an SCP, but rather the room belonging to one of the child-form SCP’s of the developers choice, decorated with books, crayons and other children's objects.

Notes: I thought it might be eerie or unsettling for the player to be wandering this maze of solid unfriendly concrete, and then suddenly come upon a room fill with colorful children's paraphernalia. Even better if the lights cut out suddenly when the player enters, only to blink back on.

SCP 662 – Butler’s Hand Bell

(This is one of my favorite ideas, I hope people enjoy it, but if not I’ll understand.)
Found on Dr. Mirths desk

Behavoir: Can be picked up and carried by the player
--On use (ringing) of the bell, Mr. Deed’s appears directly behind the player saying ‘Yes Sir?’ (or some other line). I’m hoping the sudden voice from behind would freak the player out the first time.
--Mr. Deeds will not appear if there is a hostile SCP nearby or in the room
--If the player does not choose to interact with Mr. Deeds, but instead moves away from him, Mr. Deeds will despawn once the player has left the room.
--If the player chooses to interact with Mr. Deeds a dialogue choice list appears.

Dialogue choice list consists of one of each of three categories of requests (Useful, reasonable, unreasonable.) randomly chosen. And an exit command (‘nothing right now’)
Example of some request options (the requestable items can be increased or decreased at the descretion of the developer.)

Useful: Eyedrop, Battery, Medkit,
Reasonable: Sandwich, glass of soda, Fluffy towel
Reasonable items have no direct use for the player, and mostly add additional texture.
Unreasonable: Get me out of here, Get rid of/ trap SCP – XXX

--Once a request or exit command has been made Mr Deeds attempts to round a corner out of the players line of site.
--f there is no such corner he will exit through a door closing the door behind himself.
--If he cannot escape the players line of site within X timeframe he will stop moving and wait for the player to turn around or blink, and then disappear.
--Cooldown of X time begins.
--Once cooldown ends Mr. Deeds will, at some point, appear once again behind the player, this time holding a tray bearing the requested item.
--Again, Mr. Deeds will not appear in a room with Hostile SCP’s present.
--Mr. Deeds will then try to exit as before.
--If the player does not choose to interact/accept items from Mr. Deeds, but instead moves away from him, Mr. Deeds will disappear once the player has left the room.
--Begin second cool down on the bell. Mr. Deed’s cannot be summoned again(or the bell rung) until X time has passed.

SCP 023 – The Black Shuck
(The only hostile SCP I have an idea for.)
This is a sneak/ avoidance trial for the player.

Located in a tunnel network with a long main hallway leading up to the first bend (this is so the player can catch a glimpse of the creature in the distance to tell which direction it is going.)
The Black Shuck patrols the tunnel network (a series of crosses and bends) but never turns down the main hallway to the entrance.
The tunnel is very dark, almost black in some places. The player can pinpoint the direction / location of the black shuck by seeing glimpses of its hind-end, or side, or listening for the sound of heavy canine panting in the tunnels. Viewing the front of the Black Shuck (head on) initiates death count (which visibly displays on the screen)
I know it’s supposed to be a full year from then, but for game play it might be reasonable to shorten that so that a death of the player may occur in game. I Have a few other ideas for how to handle it but I won’t go into them unless the developer is actually interested.

Well there it is, what do you think?
These are all actually very reasonable imports. Not too complex, not too "fan favourite" so to speak. The only concerns I may have are setting up the dialogue mechanics for The Butler's Handbell and the general mechanics of The Black Shuck especially the latter, since the idea of avoiding looking at it head-on, as well as a "countdown to death" role has already essentially been filled by The Shy Guy so to speak. You could argue that there can be two to fulfil the role like The Peripheral Jumper and The Cowbell do in stalking the player, but they weren't introduced into the same version together until v0.8

Though considering they are now, I dunno, maybe we could have The Black Shuck in on this. I dunno, I'm in two minds. I like it, but I can't help but think its role would be redundant, since The Shy Guy pretty much fills those shoes. Besides that, the countdown to death would be presumably slower. Why would a player be interested in going much further if they've looked The Black Shuck dead in the eyes?

I am a bit more sceptical about The Half-a-Cat's presence though. It'd feel to me like it's there just to be there, kinda...

I am in support of The Invisible Friend however, and cannot think of anything wrong with its addition at this time.
The Nightmares...will last...FOREVEEEEERRRRR!
In the event that Nightmare Tank tries to take charge, Dr. Glitch is to warn it, until it ceases its behaviour.

Re: SCP Suggestions General

They need to put this up on Google Play. I've tried playing the game on my computer but it lags so hard and not all of us can get a better computer. >:( Seriously, please make it happen. :idea: :)

Re: SCP Suggestions General

Here is a list of SCPs that I think would fit well into the game and would not be too difficult to add.

SCP 303 Blocks your progress and you must either find a way around it or wait for it to disappear
SCP 718 Mind controls you into attacking it, causing it to replicate and attach to your body. Getting completely surrounded by a large group of them will drive you insane, causing a game over. a few minutes after one attaches to you, blinking will cease to be possible or required and your perception will change, improving your vision, but also causing you to see things differently, eventually driving you insane. You can remove it, but this will cost you a lot of health and cause it to replicate around you again.
SCP 743 Chance of attacking you if you come close to its chamber, although it is possible to pass safely though it's chamber if you are lucky. If you drink from it you are healed slightly and your endurance is boosted, but at the cost of greatly increasing the chance it will choose to attack and will make it far more persistent in tracking you down.
SCP 1182 Makes you partially invisible while carrying it, at the cost of making you hallucinate that you are underwater. This makes you less likely to be attacked by SCP's that rely on sight, but also makes you move slightly slower.
SCP 939 A single 939 has escaped containment and will try to lure you into a trap. It will only attack you when it thinks you are vulnerable. The gas it breaths confuses you, but you can stop this with a gas mask. It is possible to kill it by trapping it in the same room as another hostile SCPs

I will finish posting my scp suggestions either tomorow or later tonight.
Let's throw everything in and see what happens!

Re: SCP Suggestions General

I have more suggestions for SCP's to add here. I will continue adding more suggestions later.

most of these I selected because they are from the top rated pages.

1048 You may encounter it randomly. It is looking for a certain item, and unless it finds it, it is harmless. If you encounter it, it will possibly will follow you. If it finds the item it is looking for, something horrible happens.
058 It is still in its containment chamber but will break out. You can stop it only by luring it into a trap.
017 Traps you in another dimension if your shadow touches it.
1370 Follows you and tries to attack, but is never successful
1471 you can find a phone infected with 1471. If you look at it too many times, you will start to see 1471-A. 1471-A will try to communicate with you, giving you clues about where to go or not go, but in a way that is unclear enough that it is only somewhat helpful.
162 if you touch it you will become trapped and badly injured, can be found in its room.
955 creepy-looking but only dangerous if something scares it, which can happen easily

Joke SCP's

001-J instant game over if you find it and push it, but it is very difficult to find and it is very heavily guarded and so managing to push it is an accomplishment
006-J startles you if you look too closely at it. Encountered randomly, and due to its small size you might not notice it.
014-J you can find it lying around and pick it up, what it does is a mystery
329-J tries to scare you when you walk past it.
Let's throw everything in and see what happens!