Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

About the intro sequence, since the facility is divided into light containment, heavy containment, and the entrance/office area; why then is SCP-173s containment chamber surrounded by offices? It doesn't make that much since if you think about it.
History is written by the victor~Winston Churchill

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

Not that I know of. Although, I heard from OMNIARY that they should be coming out with a Christmas update special or something. Other than that, I don't know.
History is written by the victor~Winston Churchill

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

LORD DEATH wrote:Not that I know of. Although, I heard from OMNIARY that they should be coming out with a Christmas update special or something. Other than that, I don't know.
Well, I don't have any more information than any of you, so at best it's just an assumption, that we'll get some sort of update (whether it be on the status or a legitimate game update) round the winter break that Regalis will be on. I wouldn't be so eager to say it'd be too big of an update, maybe an v0.8.4, but then again, I don't know how much time Regalis has been working on the game in the couple of months he's been gone.

Anyways, Regalis is your best source, not me or anyone else. :D
It slep time bunner.

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

Dr.Moore wrote:ok, so i have not played the game very much latley as it has started giving me panic attacks, but someone explain who the fuck that masked bitch is on the homepage of scpcb?

Usually I'd say "Look at my Videos for some of the changes!" but really, read the Patchnotes dude ;) And incase some of the SCP numbers sound unfamiliar you can easily look them up on the SCP Wiki :)
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