Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

regalis, add a little easter egg somewhere with a non-working 261. it can give a message in proper containment "I don't have any yen.." or you can make it somewhere really secret, and have it inoperable/have a small egg model decorated for easter :106:
I Survived SCP-106's Pocket Dimension And All I Got Was This Stupid ID Card

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

Brunou8 wrote:I only have one question, why isn't the SCP-294 contained?
I don't want to sound rude but have you read SCP-294's article on the foundation wiki?
Special Containment Procedures: There are no standard special containment procedures on file for Item SCP-294. However, only personnel of security clearance level 2 or higher are allowed to interact with it (see document SCP-294a). SCP-294 is currently being stored in the 2nd floor personnel break room and is monitored by two guards of security clearance level 3 at all times.

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

SCP-500 wrote:
Brunou8 wrote:I only have one question, why isn't the SCP-294 contained?
I don't want to sound rude but have you read SCP-294's article on the foundation wiki?
Special Containment Procedures: There are no standard special containment procedures on file for Item SCP-294. However, only personnel of security clearance level 2 or higher are allowed to interact with it (see document SCP-294a). SCP-294 is currently being stored in the 2nd floor personnel break room and is monitored by two guards of security clearance level 3 at all times.
Oh, thanks, I was wondering just that.
SCP classified documents
SCP-895 Containment chamber modification
D-9341 memoirs
Old topics of interest

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

Lusor1111 wrote:Could you order some SCP-447 and use it on a corpse?
"Seriously, guys, how hard is it to understand? No. Dead. Bodies. None. Nada. Nein! Don't think about it, don't joke about it, and most certainly, don't DO it. Sheesh!"
- Dr. A. Clef
That Same Anon wrote:I can confirm it was "Tesla Gate Disabled" By listening at high volume.

Anyway, 294 looks cool. i wonder if we can get a cup of 106 goo :106:
Here's some suggestions:

CUP OF MUSIC: Will play a short tune, around the length of mandeville.ogg.
SOMETHING THAT CAN KILL SCP-682: You've probably already coded this in, But just use the nuclear effect like at gate B.
CUP OF SEMEN: When "Drunk"(You really drop it), read: "I don't go that way." :106:
CUP OF <SAVENAME>: Works like the cup of joe, you have to keep drinking the yucky liquid every 10 seconds or your health will decrease very quickly.
CUP OF SCP-294: OUT OF RANGE/Disable machine input for 10 minutes(as in request denied?)
CUP IN A CUP: i... I honestly don't know where i wanted to go with this.
CUP OF SCP-106: Death, with a hissing acid sound.(it would make a weird liquid color, his goo.)
CUP OF FORUM: An easter egg, could show some famous forum event/post for a few seconds.
CUP OF <COLOR>: "Blech, this tastes like paint!"

that's all i can think of.

EDIT: Yes, and the weird figure at 0:11 was most definitely 513-1. With a hint of 096 placeholder model
SCP-294 And Easter Eggs Woohoo
Here My Suggestions

CUP OF FASTE: Same thing what Happens if you put Yourself into SCP-914 On Very-Fine Or Type SANIC in the console
CUP OF 2GIRLS/SHIT: Play This ] Then puke
CUP OF URINE: Player will Puke
CUP OF COLA: Player Stamina Hold More Time And Refresh Stamina
CUP OF SCP-354: Death
CUP OF PLASMA: Destroy SCP-294 And The Player :106:
CUP OF WATER: Refresh Your Stamina
CUP OF PANACEA: Same thing like SCP-500
CUP OF EYEDROPS: Same thing as Eyedrops
CUP OF SCP-006: Refresh Anything

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

CUP OF WATER: Refresh Your Stamina
Regalis already added Cup of water, it won't refresh your Stamina, it will just be a normal refreshing drink.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

Maikcollos wrote:
hug0905 wrote:
CUP OF WATER: Refresh Your Stamina
Regalis already added Cup of water, it won't refresh your Stamina, it will just be a normal refreshing drink.
Yes But I Want it so
Wanting it is not going to make it suddenly be in the game.

Interesting though, how about a cup of energizing drink?

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: v0.8 discussion thread + new video.

LukeDude759 wrote:Maybe you could splash it on the MTF to freeze them or their gun, slowing them down or temporarily rendering their gun inoperable?
From my learning of nitrogen, it doesn't work that way. You don't just splash it on something at it explodes in a million pieces.

If you put liquid nitrogen in a small cup, and splash it at somebody, They wouldn't freeze because there body would push all the
bubbles out of the way. And besides, the MTF are wearing high tech shiz. (not right now but later since Nights models)
The preparation for a dive is always a tense time