Some random tips for SCP : Containment Breach (Ultimate Edtion :3)

1. You can skip 049 security room (the one in LCZ) by going in the pocket dimension, for this you can find a SCP-106 hole or get caugh by SCP-106 (but i don't recommend that)
2. SCP-1499 is your best friend to store items
3. If you don't have enough keycards, go to SCP-1162 to find some mastercard/playing cards/level 1-2 keycards to help you getting a level 5 keycard more easily (same thing for the quarters)
4. You may end up in a dead end, to not end up in the same dead end when you getting chased by SCP-106, put papers infront of a door that lead to a dead end, that will help you avoid them
5. Using SCP-427 about 3 seconds when you are in the pocket dimension will increase your speed, this will help you escape SCP-106 pocket dimension more easily (just don't go to the trench)
6. Unless you are doing a achievement run, only pick up SCP-198 when you have open every door that require a code and a hand
7. You can also skip SCP-049 chamber by using a black severed hand
8. You can also skip SCP-096 chamber as well, just don't go in one of the HCZ room where you can find SCP-096 or else he will start making your life a hell
9. You don't really need night vision goggles for SCP-966, if you don't stay long enough near your they won't hurt you
10. Just avoid SCP-650 containment chamber, he's gonna block you a lot in the corridors where there a tesla gate
11. Getting SCP-109 is not recommended but if you don't have medkit around you then it a good idea to get it
12. Always have SCP-860 on you, no matter what (maybe SCP-714 if you haven't skipped SCP-049 event)
13. If you put SCP-447 in SCP-914 on the "coarse" setting, you'l get a severed hand/black severed hand
14. You need a least 10 quarters in your wallet, which is enough to get 5 drinks from SCP-294
15. SCP-106 can be disjoint with SCP-1499 (no need to wait 1 minute like i did)
16. If you want to use SCP-1499 as a storage area, make sure you made all the SCP-1499-1 instances dissapear in the building, you'll be safer in a high place (you can find a staircase been keeped by a SCP-1499-1 instance behind the building, to make him leave you have to trigger the event inside the building)
17. SCP-1499 work also on the MTFs and the No See No Evil, just get yourself a vest incase if they didn't leave the room
18. Having a wallet and a clipboard will help you keep important stuff (SCP-860,paper with codes on them,keycard,SCP-500-1,...)
19. Instead of running through a corridor when SCP-1048-A is in it, just get close to SCP-1048-A then back off from him and wait for him to scream and then you can move on (you never know if SCP-079 will close the door on the other side)
20. And take your time lol XD

(some of those tips were already told by Nepheron and maybe BattleForge, so don't come insulting me lol)