SCP Containment Breach Fun Facts!

Basically, if you find something very interesting, unexplained, or unknown in SCP:CB and it's files, and no-one has pointed it out yet, post it on here. I'll go first.

SOUND: If listened to carefully, SCP-096's docile-to-hostile OGG file (096_2.ogg) contains the music from SCP-087-B in the file. This is especially noticed in the beginning of Version 0.6's 096_2 file.

MODELS: SCP-106's old model is the same as SCP-087-B's current one called "mental". The red monster/SCP-173 on SCP-087-B also share the same model, aswell as the same texture. ~ SCP-372 shares SCP-106's old texture, only in a green tint.

GAMEPLAY: Just behind and down from the Chaos Insurgency's spawn point is an enlarged lever, along with a few other models shoved inside. This is how Regalis scales and creates his models, by hiding them, and it's fun to scavenge for them, too. Just don't get lost in the void. (Thanks to the mmmmagnificent juanjpro for the info)

Re: SCP Containment Breach Fun Facts!

Destructoid wrote:I made the 096 sound from the 087 theme, SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE, a heartbeat(which is used when you're injured/saw 012) and one of the old dead frontier themes, which gives it that ambient sound near the beginning.
Now that I listen to it, I can kind of hear the WAR FACE thing. It's just like this, though:


Thanks for the info!

Re: SCP Containment Breach Fun Facts!

MODELS: In the first versions of SCP:CB, buried in the files, You can find SCP-173 In-Dev Model (The one in the Regalis videos prior to the release), along with some interesting things like, the old door texture, A scrapped SCP ("Haunter in the Dark") a blood texture used in In-Dev when the character died, and a strange unused room "Conferenceroom", with a table, some 3DWS default chairs, and a red colored border just like the new office wall texture
Edgeworth: Objection !
Judge: Yes ?
Edgeworth: I was hoping to come with a question while objecting, Your Honor. I didnt.
Judge: I see. Very w...
Edgewoth: OBJECTION!
Phoenix Wright #1 Fan

Re: SCP Containment Breach Fun Facts!


Horror 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 11 are all samples from the same track " Right Behind You ".

Horror 10 sounds like a Dinosaur.

Horror 6 could be very quietly playing along side the old cracking sound when SCP-106 spawned [ When he had his old Alert Sound which was that Dropping Bass Tone ]. Now It plays when SCP-173 is around the Player.

Horror 16 [ The Sound I made ] has not been used in the Game yet, As of Version 0.7.4.


One of SCP-895's Shock Pictures is from an Album Cover by the Band Pig Destroyer. Another is of a [ Swedish? ] Musician, Nitram or something.


SCP-049 performs a bending down Animation after he touches you while you are in Invincible Mode. Whether this is supposed to happen If he kills you and you collapse, I am not sure. Whenever he kills me, He stays standing but doesn't perform the Animation.
SCP Containment Breach Sound Designer.
Favourite SCP is SCP-1845-1.

Re: SCP Containment Breach Fun Facts!

FireFox wrote:AUDIO.

Horror 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 11 are all samples from the same track " Right Behind You ".

Horror 10 sounds like a Dinosaur.

Horror 6 could be very quietly playing along side the old cracking sound when SCP-106 spawned [ When he had his old Alert Sound which was that Dropping Bass Tone ]. Now It plays when SCP-173 is around the Player.

Horror 16 [ The Sound I made ] has not been used in the Game yet, As of Version 0.7.4.


One of SCP-895's Shock Pictures is from an Album Cover by the Band Pig Destroyer. Another is of a [ Swedish? ] Musician, Nitram or something.


SCP-049 performs a bending down Animation after he touches you while you are in Invincible Mode. Whether this is supposed to happen If he kills you and you collapse, I am not sure. Whenever he kills me, He stays standing but doesn't perform the Animation.
When you become an instance of SCP-049-2, turn down the camerafog and you'll see that SCP-049 is bent down as if shot by the MTF. There is another unused animation where SCP-049 appears to be levitating.